You may be wondering, "How can I access the incredible resources made available to me through TMUS even after I graduate?"
This is the only database to which TMS alumni have access. From the main Library Web page select “Online Resources”. This link will take you to the Online Databases page from which you can select ATLAS Alumni Access. You will be prompted for a username/password. Contact the TMS Circulation Desk <> for the username/password.
“Sign in” is solely for the purpose of accessing your Library patron account; it has nothing to do with accessing the library’s online resources. The username/password for Signing in will not give you access to anything else.
Find Journals is an index searchable by anyone; it does not require signing in to access. It will let the user know what journals the TMS Library subscribes to, both print and electronic. However, online access is limited to only currently enrolled students.
TMS library catalog
The TMS library catalog does serve as an index to the articles available in many of the databases to which TMS subscribes. You can use it to identify books and articles that you want. Then, use your local public library’s InterLibrary Loan service to obtain them. Also, many public library systems provide numerous online databases to library card holders. However, the only one I know of that provides access to ATLA is the New York Public Library. So if you live in New York, you’re good to go.
Last updated April 2022.
TMU Powell Library Discovery Catalog
No matter where you are in the world, you can always search the TMU Powell Library Discovery Catalog; you just can’t connect to the eResources after graduation (the cost for alumni access is prohibitive). Our Discovery catalog simultaneously searches many of our periodical indexes including Academic Search, Business Source, Communication & Mass Media, ProQuest and ATLA Religion. If you are in the U.S., any books or articles you find can be ordered through your local Public Library’s InterLibrary Loan Service. Outside of the U.S.A. is another matter. See the "International Access" for more information. Also, feel free to contact Miss T. for assistance.
As long as you live in the U.S.A, you can pretty much find and get anything you want ...
InterLibrary Loan Services
... that’s what the InterLibrary Loan (ILL) system was created for. Interlibrary Loan is a voluntary system of sharing materials between libraries. ILL provides access to items not currently available in a library’s collection or not available in full-text through its online databases. While getting articles and selected pages from books is possible from the U.S. to another country and vice versa, getting whole books through ILL "across the pond" is not. Another caveat is that many libraries do charge a fee for ILL services. It is not uncommon for a library to charge a minimum $10.00 non-refundable fee per item to cover the costs of the processing and postage. If the lending library has additional fees, those charges usually will be added to the overall cost of processing the request.
Local Public Libraries
Many public libraries in the U.S. provide substantial online resources. Although, depending on their respective communities, you may find Academic Search or some other comparable scholarly indexing tool, most of the full-text academic resources offered by public libraries tend to be directed toward an upper division high school/lower division undergraduate audience like Academic OneFile and InfoTrac. You will rarely find graduate level resources or theological indexing tools in public libraries. For examples of the kinds of databases well-funded public libraries provide, take a look at (select eLibrary), (select Digital Library then Research Databases) and (select Research then Articles & Databases) . BTW, New York Public Library does have ATLA Religion with Serials, but then, they’re the third largest library on the planet!
Statewide Access -- Many city and county public libraries allow any person who lives, works, attends school or pays property taxes in the state to receive a free library card giving him/her access to their respective online databases, eBooks, downloadable audiobooks, music and online educational classes. Many states even allow it's residents to access a collection of databases regardless of what library card they have and some don't even require a library card--just an IP address within the state. Some examples are below and a more complete listing can be found on the Statewide Access page above:
Also, you can use WorldCat, which as the name implies, is a world catalog. It contains the library catalogs of thousands of libraries worldwide. The Powell Library Discovery catalog is produced by the same company that produces WorldCat (OCLC) and therefore, simultaneously searches those same catalogs. However, the only full-text capabilities are those open access resources that might be cataloged in one or another of the libraries therein. Never-the-less, your public library will be able to get your needed books and/or articles via InterLibrary Loan.
University Libraries
Whether you are in the US or another country, you may have the option of using local university libraries. Many of them allow walk-in use of their libraries. Some of them allow local residents to purchase a library card, which often provides circulation privileges. However, licensing agreements may prohibit access to their full-text resources.
ATLA Religion
The American Theological Library Association, which produces the ATLA Religion and ATLA Religion with Serials databases, offers subscriptions to individuals as well as clergy, congregations and churches on the EBSCOhost research interface. Subscriptions are handled directly through EBSCO, including orders, payments, licenses, and account set-up/logins. If you are interested in subscribing, send an e-mail to​ along with your name, title, e-mail, and phone number and ATLA will pass it along to EBSCO.
Open Library
Open Library by Internet Archive provides free access to millions of digitized books. The Internet Archive and participating libraries have selected digitized books from their collections that are available to be borrowed by one patron at a time from anywhere in the world for free. These books are available in BookReader for mat and usually in PDF and ePub formats. You can choose which format you prefer as you complete the borrowing process. All you need to do is sign up for an Open Library Account -- it's free.
Open Access
Another option is to use open access Web sites and databases. DOAB and DOAJ are good examples of peer reviewed open access resources. EThOS and PQDT Open are two databases that provide open access to theses and dissertations. You can find these and more peer reviewed open access Web sites and databases through the Powell Library Web site: select Find Databases, then from All Database Types, select Open Access. If you want to limit this even further by subject then use the All Subjects drop down menu as well. Many of the peer reviewed open access resources support the hard sciences, e.g. BioMed Central, BioOne, PeerJ, and ScienceDirect. You can also find some links to Open Access eBooks (including theses & dissertations) on the eBooks page above.
Work smarter, not harder. Long before all else fails, email Miss T., TMU's Reference Librarian and Institutional Copyright Specialist. She is blessed to be able to assist your research needs.
Last updated April 2022.
For a complete directory listing of library systems and all their branch locations across the United States see Public
Alabama -- Alabama Virtual Library is available for all Alabama residents. The databases available through the AVL are IP authenticated so there is no logging in as long as your IP shows you are in Alabama.
Alaska -- SLED: the Statewide Library Electronic Doorway, is an easy-to-use website that connects people to high quality Alaska information.-- resources are licensed for all Alaska residents. If you're an Alaska resident, call 1-800-440-2919 for a password.
Arizona -- DAZL: Digital Arizona Library
Arkansas -- Traveler Resources: Access to databases provided through the Traveler Program is available to Arkansas citizens residing within the state, and to academic, public and school libraries statewide. Arkansas libraries may register with the State Library to offer Traveler resources through their own institutional websites.
California -- While California does not offer statewide access to online databases, it does now provide a shared collection of ebooks for public library users. The California State Library, in partnership with the Black Gold Cooperative Library System, has launched E-books for All California. Created to equalize access across California, this statewide collection can be accessed by anyone with a California public library card and an internet connection. For access to online databases see individual city/county libraries.
Colorado -- no statewide access to online databases. See individual city/county libraries
Connecticut -- researchIT CT is available to all persons holding a valid library card from one of the Connecticut public libraries (the 195 Connecticut Public Libraries and their branches, the Connecticut State Library, the Middletown Library Service Center, the Willimantic Library Service Center, and the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.) as well as those whose computer's IP address is determined to originate from within the state of Connecticut.
Delaware -- Delaware Libraries offer a wide range of resources, tools, and training across the state. Must have a Delaware address to register for a Delaware Library Card.
Florida Electronic Library -- provides electronic resources to the citizens of Florida.
Georgia: Georgia Public Library Service:
Hawaii -- State Public Library System permits anyone to obtain a library card. Residents, military personnel and their dependents are free; Non-residents pay a $10 fee for 3 months or a $25 fee for 5 years. All cards provide access to the numerous online databases.
Idaho: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
Illinois: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
Indiana -- INSPIRE is a collection of online academic databases and other information resources that can be accessed freely by all Indiana residents who have Internet access.
Iowa -- State Library Resources: anyone who lives in Iowa may apply for a State Library Card online, by mail, or in person at the Law Library. A number of online resources are available to State Library card holders.
Kansas -- all libraries, colleges and universities and state residents can sign-up to receive a free Kansas Library E-Card and they can connect to a good number of Digital Databases and Online Databases using it.
Kentucky -- KYVL Kentucky Virtual Library providing access to core database resources for all KYVL member libraries including colleges and universities, public libraries, K12 schools, hospitals, Department of Defense libraries, the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives (KDLA), and more.
Louisiana: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
Maine -- Digital Main Library (previously known as MARVEL, (Maine State Library and Maine InfoNet)) may be accessed from any public, school or academic library in Maine. Access is also available from your home or business in Maine. Access from out of state is available with a valid Maine library card
Maryland -- SAILOR collection ensures all Maryland residents have equitable access to a core collection of research databases.
Massachusetts -- MBLC Every Massachusetts resident has immediate access to a vast array of general and scholarly periodical articles, encyclopedias, reference materials. They can be accessed directly from the Massachusetts Libraries portal ( and from the websites of libraries all around the Commonwealth.
Michigan -- MeL is available to all Michigan residents. No library card needed, just residency in Michigan and a drivers license or state ID issued by Michigan.
Minnesota -- ELM: Electronic Library for Minnesota gives Minnesota residents online access to magazine, journal, newspaper, and encyclopedia articles, eBooks (online books), and other information resources.
Mississippi: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
Missouri: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
Montana: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
Nebraska -- NebraskAccess
Nevada: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
New Hampshire: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
New Jersey -- JerseyClicks Electronic resources provided to New Jersey’s libraries by the New Jersey State Library and the Institute for Museum and Library Services.
New Mexico: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries.
New York -- NOVELny: The New York Online Virtual Electronic Library provides a wide variety of resources (books, magazines, newspapers, research and reference sources and more) to New York State residents with NO FEES 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
North Carolina -- NCLIVE includes academic and public libraries of North Carolina. Residents obtain a library card via their public library and have access to all the electronic resources.
North Dakota -- ODIN participating libraries include North Dakota academic, public, state agency, school, and special libraries. The use of ODIN licensed databases is restricted to users with current credentials issued by participating North Dakota libraries.
Ohio -- OWL: The Ohio Web Library is a core collection of information resources available to all Ohioans with a library card.
Oklahoma: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries
Oregon: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries
Pennsylvania -- Power Library Services provided by the State Library of Pennsylvania include electronic databases, digital collections, and a 24/7 live chat service.
Rhode Island -- Ocean State Libraries (OSL)
South Carolina -- has DISCUS, a set of database resources available to anyone who lives in SC. All that is necessary it to go to a local library or a nearby academic institution to get the password that will allow access to the resources from anywhere.
South Dakota Share-It
Tennessee -- TEL: Tennessee Electronic Library allows access to Databases, eBooks, Career and Educational Practice Tests, Genealogy resources, World Book Encyclopedia, Homework help (including games for little ones) and Language Learning software.
Texas: Texshare cards are available, but not every library participates. Libraries (all types) have access to databases that are state funded.. TexShare is a consortium of Texas libraries joining together to share print and electronic materials. The TexShare Databases are electronic resources licensed for the exclusive use of Texas libraries and their patrons available 24/7. The TexShare CARD lets you borrow books and other physical materials from more than 500 libraries across the state!
Utah: Utah's Online Public Library (formerly Pioneer) provides free access to educational and recreational resources. A card from your local library is all you need.
Vermont: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries
Virginia: Find it Virginia is a carefully curated selection of authoritative databases, online learning products, and digital reading content (both text and audio) for Virginians of all ages. All resources are free and available with a public library card anywhere in Virginia.
Washington: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries
West Virginia: no statewide access online resources. See individual city/county libraries
Wisconsin -- WI BadgerLink
Wyoming -- GoWYLD provides Wyoming libraries and residents access to databases and other resources that support research, lifelong learning, business and career development, personal enrichment, and more.
U.S. Virgin Islands -- All residents of the Virgin Islands may apply for a library card which can be used in any of the territory's public libraries.
Last updated March 2022.
For a complete list of New York Public Libraries click here.
Metro | 599 -- Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO) is a non-profit organization where New York’s libraries and archives come together to learn, share ideas, and collaborate. METRO is the largest of nine reference and research resource councils, known as the Empire State Library Network (ESLN), in New York State.
New York City, NY -- NYPL Any person who lives, works, attends school or pays property taxes in New York State is eligible to receive a New York Public Library card free of charge, which allows individuals to borrow books and other materials, as well as, access online journals, online newspapers and other online resources 24/7 from work or home.
Last updated November, 2018.
For a complete list of New Mexico Public Libraries click here.
Los Alamos, NM -- Los Alamos Public Library SystemL Library cards are available to anyone with a New Mexico ID and UNM-LA students.
Last updated November, 2018.
For a complete list of Nevada Public Libraries click here.
Las Vega, NV -- Las Vega-Clark County Library District provides a library card free of charge to any resident of the state of Nevada.
Last updated November, 2018.
For a complete list of California Public Libraries click here
Alameda County, CA -- Alameda County Library Full-Service library cards are available to anyone living, working or going to school in the state of California. Applications must be made in person at any county library location: Albany Library, Castro Valley Library, Centerville Library, Dublin Library, Fremont Main Library, Irvington Library, Newark Library, Niles Library, REACH Ashland Youth Center, San Lorenzo Library, and Union City Library.
Los Angeles County, CA --LA County Library cards are available for free to permanent and temporary residents of California with access to library databases, audiobooks, and music.
Santa Clarita Valley, CA:
Santa Clarita Public Library: Any resident of California (or temporary residents, such as students) can register for a card free of charge at any of the three branches of the Santa Clarita Public Library. Out-of-state residents will be charged $3.00 for a card.
Canyon Country Jo Anne Darcy Library
Old Town Newhall Library
Valencia Library
Stevenson Ranch Library (LA County): Library cards are available for free to permanent and temporary residents of California
Riverside County, CA -- Riverside County Library System permits any resident of California to obtain a library card in person at any of the thirty-five libraries or two bookmobiles in the Riverside County Library System.
San Diego, City of, CA -- City of San Diego Public Library cards are free to applicants who reside in California or own property in the City of San Diego, and to men and women serving in the Armed Forces who are stationed within San Diego County. For non-residents, the annual fee for a library card is $32. A San Diego Library Card provides access to library databases, download audiobooks and ebooks and more.
San Diego County, CA -- SDCL permits California residents and military to receive a library card for free and Non-California residents may pay a $5 one-time fee.
San Francisco City/County, CA -- SFPL permits any California resident to obtain a library card which allows you to download digital media, use electronic databases, take online classes and more.
San Juaquin Valley, CA -- SJVLS cooperatively purchases group access to databases and other online materials for libraries in the counties of Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced and Tulare.
Yurba County, CA -- Yurba County Library: Library cards are free to applicants who reside within the state of California, but must be obtained in person.
Last updated March 2022.
For a complete list of Massachusetts Public Libraries click here.
Boston Public Library -- anyone who lives or works in Massachusetts can register for an ecard and access the databases, ebooks and other digital media resources.
NOBLE (North of Boston Library Exchange) -- available to residents of NOBLE communities and those affiliated with NOBLE academic institutions.
Last updated November, 2018.
For a complete list of Colorado Public Libraries click here.
Denver, CO -- Any Colorado resident or student in-state attending a Colorado college or university may obtain a free Denver Public Library Card.
Last updated November, 2018.