LC Subject Headings makes research much more efficient and effective..
LCSH is a standardized, controlled vocabulary used in most library catalogs. These terms are used in the Subject metadata field in all of the resource records. The use of these normalized subjects makes it possible for the researcher (you) to find resources on the same topic even though authors, scholars and even you might use any number of other words for the same idea.
Search the Library of Congress Subject Headings to obtain more accurate as well as additional terminology to assist in finding more resources. LCSH will identify variant terms, narrower terms and/or broader terms, which can be used to either further your search or refine your search queries.
Search the "issue" being used to discover possible alternative terminology by which to focus or expand your search. For example a search for the term "lying" will retrieve a two page list of subject headings related to this topic, Most of which have nothing to do with the meaning of lying within the intended context (position, obstetrics, algebra -- who knew!?!)
A quick scan reveals the fourth LC Subject Heading on the list (Truthfulness and falsehood) is most likely the one needed for this counseling project, although the third subject heading (Mythomania) looks intriguing.
Selecting "Truthfulness and falsehood" reveals a number of Variants, Broader Terms, Narrower Terms and Related Terms some of which may be particularly useful for this research paper.
Last updated May, 2018
The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus is a controlled and hierarchically-organized vocabulary produced by the National Library of Medicine. It is used for indexing, cataloging, and searching of biomedical and health-related information. MeSH includes the subject headings appearing in MEDLINE/PubMed, the NLM Catalog, and other NLM databases. MEDLINE/PUBmed and other NLM databases.
Use the MeSH Search Engine to identify MeSH Headings, related Descriptor Data and hierarchical structure.
A search for Antisocial Personality Disorder in the MeSH search engine reveals broader, narrower and related terms similar to the information provided in LCSH.
Notice the more detailed definition in the Scope Note; the Entry Term(s), as well as Public MeSH Note, Online Note and History Note, which provides the terminological history of the concept. With this information you know that a search using "sociopathic personality" will likely give you resources that were published in the early '60's through the late '70's, whereas "antisocial personality" will cover resources from the mid-'70's to the early '80's. Anything published after that will need the phrase "antisocial personality disorder".
Be sure to examine the MeSH Tree Structure to understand how your selected term fits within the hierarchy of related concepts.
Last updated August 2024.