In the event that TMS Library does not own needed research materials, TMS patrons may request the material through the InterLibrary Loan Service (ILL). It may take up to three weeks to receive ILL materials. To make a request select the tab ILL Request Form above.
General interlibrary loan policies
ILL services are available to all TMS students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
Students at TMS's Distance Location sites should consult Distance Location ILL Policies & Services. All other off-campus TMS students (e.g. online, modular Th.M., D.Min., Ph.D., etc.) and alumni should consult Additional ILL Policies & Services.
All ILL requests must be made using the patron's "" or"" email account.
Please conduct a thorough search of the TMS library holdings before submitting an ILL request.
When completing the ILL form (see tab above) please provide as much information about the requested publication as possible. This will enable TMS Library staff to locate the correct resource in the most efficient manner.
Interlibrary loan borrowing charges
TMS Library does not charge its patrons for ILL services. While TMS Library Staff will make very reasonable effort to locate a resource at no charge, please understand that the lending library may charge a fee for fulfilling a request.
Please indicate on the ILL form the maximum amount you are willing to pay for an ILL item. If you are unable or unwilling to pay above the amount charged by the lending library, the item(s) will not be obtained.
When an ILL involves fees, they will be charged to the patron's Library account prior to checking out the item.
A $5.00 fee will be assessed to any patron who does not pick up a requested ILL item within seven days.
Interlibrary loan renewals and overdue fine
Please communicate any renewal requests of ILL resources either on or before the due date. Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library. A fine of $1.00 per day will be charged for items not returned by the due date.
Limitations to interlibrary loan services
ILL services for physical items are only available to student in the United States. Ill services for journal articles or copies of short portions of books are available to all TMS off-campus students and alumni. Students and alumni located in other countries should familiarize themselves with the copyright (©) laws of their nation to ensure compliance with national and international laws. By submitting an ILL request, a student acknowledges and affirms that he is in compliance with laws of the United States, international laws, and the laws of his own country.
Last updated January, 2018.