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Copyright for TMU Faculty: Sample Permission Letters

Sample Permission Letter I

Sample Permission Letter I

The request should be sent, together with a self-addressed return envelope, to the permissions department of the publisher in question.


Permissions Department




Dear Permissions Editor:


I am requesting permission to copy the following for continued use in my classes in the [semester and year] for [course name and number]:





Material to be duplicated: [chapters, page numbers; volume; issue number]

Number of copies:

Distribution: The material will be distributed to students in my classes and they will pay only the cost of the photocopying.

Type of reprint: [photocopy, computer disc, electronic reserve, html, pdf]

Use: The chapters/pages will be used as supplementary teaching materials.


If you do not solely control copyright in the requested materials, I would appreciate any information you can provide about others to whom I should write, including most recent addresses if available.


I have enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your convenience in replying to this request.












Please initial any statement that applies:


_________I hereby represent that I have the authority to grant the permission requested herein.


_________I am the sole owner/author of the work.


Company Signature:



Name of authorized signatory












Sample Permission Letter II

Sample Permission Letter II


Material Permissions Department

Hypothetical Book Company

100 Main Street

Chicago IL 60601


To Whom It May Concern:


I am requesting permission to copy the following for continued use in my classes for [course name and number]:





Material to be duplicated: [chapters, page numbers; volume; issue number]

Number of copies:

Distribution: The material will be distributed to students in my classes and they will pay only the cost of the photocopying.

Type of reprint: [photocopy, computer disc, electronic reserve, html, pdf]

Use: The chapters/pages will be used as supplementary teaching materials.


I have enclosed a self-addressed envelope for your convenience in replying to this request.






Faculty Member


Sample Permission Letter III

Sample Permission Letter III


Material Permissions Department

Hypothetical Book Company

100 Main Street

Chicago IL 60601


To Whom it May Concern:


I am writing to obtain permission to use the following material:

Nature of materials: ________________________________________________________ [describe]

Publisher: ______________________________________________ Date of publication: ____________

Author(s): ___________________________________________________________________________

Page numbers or other description of material: ______________________________________________

(Check if applicable)

¨ A photocopy of the materials in enclosed.


I wish to use this material in the following work:

Author(s): ___________________________________________________________________________

Title: _______________________________________________________________________________

Publisher: ________________________________ Proposed date of publication: ___________________


I am requesting nonexclusive rights to use this material as part of my work and in all future editions and revisions thereof, however they may be exploited, in any language or medium now known or hereafter discovered, including, but not limited to: print, aural, and electronic media.


Unless you specify otherwise, the material will be accompanied on publication by the following credit line and copyright notice: __________________________________________ [specify credit line and copyright notice]


Other conditions, if any: __________________________________________________________________


If you do not control the world rights to the request material, please specify here any additional source from whom permission must be obtained: _______________________________________________________


Thank you for your prompt consideration of this request.  For your convenience, a release form is provided below and a signed copy of this letter is enclosed for your files.


Very truly yours,


[Your signature]


Permission is granted for the use requested above.




[Specify name and title, if any]

