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Style Guides: Cited References

APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian and CSE Style information as well as how and why to cite sources used in research.

What it is

Cited reference searching allows you to locate books and articles that cite a previously published resource. This process allows you to track the research that has been done since the original item was published.

Using cited references is an excellent means of furthering your research.  It is the application of the basic research principle "Use sources to find more sources".

Cited References are also a good method of ascertaining if a work is scholarly because scholarly works will have a bibliography or reference list.

EBSCO Academic Search; Business Source; Communication & Mass Media; GreeFILE

To find Cited References in these databases, select "Cited References" from the topmost banner.

Search for an Author, Title, Source (i.e., Journal Title), Year of publication or All Fields:


Last updated February 2022.

ProQuest Religion

To find cited references using ProQuest Religion, go to the Advanced Search page; from the "in Anywhere" drop down menu, select one of the following (see image below):

Cited author - CAU
Cited document title - CTI
Cited publication date CYR
Cited publication title - CPUB


Alternatively use the three or four letter code in conjunction with an appropriate term in the Basic Search form.  For example: to find out if the Journal of Biblical Counseling has been cited in articles or theses contained within the ProQuest Religion Database, put cpub(jurnal of biblical counseling) in the Basic Search box. See image below.


Last updated February 2022.

Citation Mapping