Full-Time Faculty |
Field/Profession |
Master's Thesis |
Doctoral Dissertation |
Anderson, Ross |
MicroBiology |
Mammalian Cell Surface Glycolipids: Structure, Distribution and Biosynthesis. M.B.S., University of Colorado at Boulder, 1982. |
Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase : genetic, structural, and activity studies. Ph.D. Biochemistry, Baylor College of Medicine, 1993. |
Baker, Ernie |
Biblical Counseling |
M.Div. Capital Bible Seminary. No thesis required |
Preparing Your Heart for Marriage. D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary, 2003. |
Beck, John |
Communications Management |
Comprehensive exam. M.A. Communication Management, University of Southern California, 1994 |
In progress Ed.D. Organizational Change & Leadership, USC, extimated completion 2020. |
Behle, Greg |
Christian Education |
A Research Study of Outward Bound with a View Towards Implications for Christian Education. Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1986. |
Scholars from the Sod : The Social Origins and Backgrounds of Students at the University of Illinois, 1868-1894. Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1996. |
Berry, Paul |
Athletics |
A Coaching Aid tot the Fundamentals of Pitching. MA Men's Physical Education, CalState Long Beach, 1972 |
N/A |
Blackwell, Claire |
Mathematics, Music |
N/A |
N/A |
BloomField, Ruta |
Music, Harpsicord |
M.M. in Musicology and Harpsichord Performance. Northwestern University, Chicago, 1981. No Thesis Required |
Bernard De Bury's Premiere Livre di Pieces di Clavecin: Critical Edition and Commentary. D.M.A., Claremont Graduate University, 2008 |
Bolen, Todd |
Geograhy & Archaeology of Israel |
Boyd, Steven |
Biblical Hebrew |
28-Apr |
A Synchronic Analysis of the Medio-Passive-Reflexive in Biblical Hebrew. Ph.D., The Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, 1993. |
Brooks, Monte |
Head Coach |
Oral Exam; no thesis required. M.A. Education Azusa Pacific |
“The Effectiveness of Selected Teacher Training Institution in Promoting the Education and Professional Goals, Objectives, and Attitudes of Student-Teachers.” Ed.D. Northern Arizona University |
Brown, Benjamin |
Business |
Brown, Matthew |
Education; English; Writing |
Portfolio, no thesis required M.A. Secondary Education CSUN, 2005 |
N/A |
Button, Michael |
Pure Mathematics |
Qualifying exams |
Representable, Non-Solvable Varieties of Lattice-Ordered Groups. Ph.D. Mathematics, Bowling Green State University, 1996. |
Carothers, Linn |
The Association of the Social and Familial Environment with Adolescent and Young Adult Crime: A Longitudinal Perspective. Ph.D. University of Southern California, 1987 |
Chou, Abner |
New Testament |
Hermeneutical implications of Old Testament intertextuality on redemptive history. M.Div., The Master's Seminary, 2005.; The prophetic hermeneutic : hermeneutically defined, theologically displayed. Th.M., The Master's Seminary, 2007. |
The Curse, the King, and the Cross : the Intertextual Impact of Deuteronomy 21:22-23 in Prophetic and Apostolic Hermeneutics. Th.D. The Master's Seminary, 2010. |
Chua, Esther Joy Tan |
Literature |
Nov 6 M.A. Cal State Northridge |
N/A |
Dickson, Bob |
Writing |
Novella instead of a thesis. "The Spiritual War of Jorge O'Connor", 1996. M.S. Northeastern Oklahoma State University |
In progress-- Ed.D. Organizational Change and Leadership, USC Rossier Online, est. completion 2020. |
Drai, Remi |
Applied Mathematics; part of NASA's Rover prelaunch team |
"Applications of Monge-Ampere Equations". M.A. Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, June 1993. |
Commande Robuste de Structures Flixibles et Dissipativité. D.Sc., Mathématiques Appliquées, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, 1998 |
Eickemeyer, John |
Computing |
Nov. 6 M.S., UCLA |
Visualizing p-flats in N-space using parallel coordinates. Ph.D. UCLA, 1991. |
Englin, Dennis |
Biology |
Oral exam and research study on "The Resolubilization of Immunoglobulins in Hypertonic Solution" |
A Model for Supporting Studies in Chemistry for the Undergraduate Biological Sciences Major. Ed.D., University of Southern California, 1976. |
Ennis, Patricia |
Home Economics |
Techniques and Materials for Individualizing Instruction in Home Economics. Part A, 1973. Development and Evaluation of a Programmed Instruction Unit for Beginning Foods. Part B, 1974. MAE San Diego State University, 1974. |
“The Effectiveness of Selected Teacher Training Institution in Promoting the Education and Professional Goals, Objectives, and Attitudes of Student-Teachers.” Ed.D. Northern Arizona University, 1982. |
Forehand, K. Ferrell |
The Movies, 19027-1929: From the Birth of Sound to the Death of Silence. MA Fine Arts, Texas Christian University, 1970. |
Foreman, Benjamin |
IBEX, Metaphor in the Hebrew Bible |
M.A., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. No thesis required. |
"Who Teaches Us More than the Beasts of the Earth?": Animal Metaphors and the People of Israel in the Book of Jeremiah. Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen, 2009. |
Forgerson, Michael |
Taxes, Accounting, Law; Member CA State Bar |
M.S. Cal State Northridge; M.Div., The Master's Seminary No thesis required. |
J.D. Southwestern University of Law |
Francis, Joe |
Science |
N/A |
Flourescence Studies of Neutrophil Adherence Interactions with Substrates and Target Particles. Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1988. |
Frazer, Gregg |
Political Studies |
Comprehensive Exam |
The Political Theology of the American Founding. Ph.D. Political Science, Claremont Graduate School, 2004. |
Green, Matt |
Film |
N/A |
N/A |
Greer, Clyde |
History |
M.S. History, Radford University. No Thesis Requirement |
The Quest for a Just Society, 1945-1981. DA, History, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1982. |
Gruss, Ed |
Hallman, Cindy |
Education; Arts |
11/6/2017 M.A. LaVern University |
Halstead, Tom |
Biblical Studies |
The Significance of the Signs in the Gospel of John. M.Div., New Testament Languages and Literature, Talbot Theological Seminary, 1977. |
Nov 6 (Assessment) Nova Southeastern University Ft. Lauderdale FL 1994 |
Ham, Dwight |
Business Management |
A biblical perspective on learning contentment : an issue of the heart M.A. The Master's College, 2005; M.B.A. Pepperdine University |
DBM in process George Fox University |
Hild, Kurt |
English |
The Hermeneutics of John Milton. M.A. English. Cal State Northridge, 1983. |
Development of a Strategy to Assess Critical Writing Abilities of Students Graduating from The Master's College With Plans for Implementation and Evaluation. Ed.D. Nova Southeastern University, 1998. |
Hill, Kevin |
Business Administration |
Comprehensive Exam, M.A. Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Cal State Northridge, 1997; M.B.A. UC, Irvine, 2000. |
Evaluating Workplace Output of Full Time Employees Who Are Full Time Students. Ph.D. Business Management, Northcentral University, 2008. |
Horner, Grant |
Literature |
No thesis requirement M.A. University of Alabama |
The Heresy of John Milton, Calvinist: Reforming the Puritan Poet With Historical Theology. Ph.D. Claremont Graduate University, 2017. |
Hotchkiss, John |
English |
Melville's Quarrel with the Missionaries. M.A. English Studies, Pepperdine University, 1970. |
Honorary Ph.D. from TMS |
Howe, George |
Science |
Time Course of the Photosynthetic Induction Periods and Photosynthetic Rhythms in Certain Higher Plants as Related to Changes in Degree of Stomatal Opening. Ph.D., Ohio State University, 1959. |
Hulet, Tricia |
Theatre Arts |
God’s Grace When the Womb is Empty. M.A. Biblical Counseling, The Master’s College, 2013 |
N/A |
Hutchison, Dennis |
New Testament |
"A Comparative Analysis of the Sermon Organization of Alexander Maclaren, G. Campbell Morgan and Harry A. Ironside". M.Div., Talbot School of Theology, 1971 "The Use of Ego Eimi in the Writings of John" Th.M., Talbot School of Theology, 1975. |
"The Nature of Christ's Comings in Revelation 2-3" Th.D. Grace Theological Seminary, 1986. |
Ingle, Matt |
Genetic health, behavioral ecology, parasitology, phylogenetics and herpetology |
No thesis -- M.S. Natural Science, Loma Linda University |
"Baylisascaris procyonis Prevalence and Impact in Raccoon (Procyon lotor) Populations" Ph.D. Biology, Loma Linda University, 2014 |
Jensen, Jeff |
History |
No thesis – Comprehensive Exams; M.A. History, CSU Long Beach, 1997 |
N/A |
Jones, Kim |
Opera Performance |
N/A |
Study and Comparison of Béla Bartók's BlueBeard's Castle and Three Operas Based on Works by Maurice Maeterlinck: Pelléas et Mélisande, Ariane et Barbe-Bleue and Monna Vanna. DMA, University of Texas at Austin, 1990. |
Jones, Taylor |
Chemistry |
Investigation of Orbital Interactions by Photoelectron Spectroscopy ad Molecular Orbital Calculations. Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin, 1975. |
Keller, Joe |
Biblical Counseling |
N/A |
"The Distinctives of Spiritual Development as The Master's College", D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary, 2014. |
Kornoff, Michael |
Chemistry |
Frustrated Lewis Pairs. M.A. Chemistry, USC, 2010. |
N/A |
Kostjuk, Todd |
CPA, Finance |
M.B.A. Indiana University; CPA State of California |
In progress: EdD in Organizational Change and Leadership, USC, anticipated completion 2020. |
LaGeorge, Lisa |
Global Outreach; |
M.A., TEFL/ICS, Columbia International University No thesis required. |
Short Term Missions at The Master’s College: An Experiential Education. Ph.D., Biola University, 2009. |
Larsen, Dave |
Sports Medicine |
Concentric and Eccentric Isokinetic Torque Values in College Baseball Pitchers. M. A. Cal. State Long Beach, 1995 |
N/A |
Larson, Julie |
Rhetoric |
21/1/2017 |
A Narrative Analysis of the Scopes Trial. Ph.D. Communication, University of Southern California, 1995 |
Lawson, Lazella |
Botany |
Evidence for Simultaneous Seedling and Clonal Reproduction of Quaking Aspen (Populus Tremuloides Michx.) in Southeastern Arizona. M.S. Biological Sciences, Cal. State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2008. |
N/A |
Mackey, Beth |
Home Economics |
N/A |
N/A |
Mackey II, RW |
Business |
M.R.E., M.Div., Grand Rapids Theological Seminary No thesis required. |
A Description and Analysis of Change in a Small Christian Liberal Arts College Over a Two-year Period. Ed.D., Pepperdine University, 1988. |
Mays, Kenneth Robert |
Piano Performance |
The Use of Hymn Tunes in the Works of Charles Ives. M.M., Indiana University, 1961. |
Harmonic Style in the Madrigals of Claudio Monteverdi.Ph.D. Music, Indiana University, 1971. |
McLain, Matt |
Geology |
N/A |
Taphonomy of a Lance Formation (Maastrichtian, WY) Dinosaur Bonebed with a Focus on Tooth Traces. Ph.D. Earth Sciences Loma Linda University, 2016. |
McLaughlin, James |
Education; Online Program |
Milton, Constance |
Nursing |
Making a Promise. Ph.D. Nursing, Loyola University, Chicago, 1998. |
Morley, Brian |
Philosophy; Photography |
How Divine Predicates Can Convey Cognitive Meaning. ThM., Talbot, 1986 |
Swinburne's Inductive Argument for Theism. Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1991. |
Morton, Jordan |
Education |
no thesis requirement. |
Opfer, Steve |
Orchestra Conducting |
Looking for it 4/28/2017 M.M. Cal State Fullerton |
A Survey of Attitudes of California University Band Conductors Toward a Synthesis of Music Disciplines Within the University Wind Band Rehearsal. D.M.A. Music Education, University of Southern California, 1996. |
Owen, Jim |
History |
Premillenial Dispensationalists and the Great Depression 1929-1939: An Analysis of Their Political, Economic and Social Thought and Action. M.A. Humanities, Cal. Stat Univ. Dominguez Hills, 1979. |
N/A |
Plew, Paul |
Choral Conducting |
M.M. Pacific Lutheran University |
4/28/2017Ed.D. Nova Southeastern University |
Powell, Benjamin |
Business |
Richardson, K |
Rickard, Jim |
Soccer Coach |
Schlegel, Bill |
IBEX, Hebrew Biblical Geography |
M.A. Hebrew Language, Jerusalem University College |
Simons, Carolyn "Woody" |
Music |
H. L. Mencken: Music from a Layman's Point of View. MA Music, Baylor University, 1971. |
The History of Mechanically Bowed Keyboard Instruments with a Description of Extant Examples. Ph.D. Music, University of Iowa, 1996. |
Simons, Jack |
Journalism |
28-Apr |
Memoir: A life and Reading. Ph.D. Bowling Green State University, 1999. |
Skaar, Jonathan |
N/A |
Stead, John |
Political Studies |
28-Apr |
The Roots of Democracy in Thomas Jefferson and Mao Tse-Tung. Ph.D. University of Southern California, 1977. |
Stone, John |
Puritans |
MLIS Cal State San Jose, 1998. comprehensive exam. |
N/A |
Street, John |
Biblical Counseling |
Ten Loci of Biblical Theology, M.Div. Grand Rapid, 1982 |
Purifying the Heart of Sexual Idolatry. D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary |
Suzuki, Joe |
Postmodernism; Rhetoric |
M.Div. Talbot Theological Seminary |
4/28/2017 Ph.D. ABD University of Texas at Arlington |
Tatlock, M |
Missions |
Tatlock, Lisa |
Home Economics |
Taylor, Janet |
Home Economics |
Tillman, Janet |
Research |
MLS Florida State University, 1983. no thesis requirement. |
N/A |
Toqe, Karen |
Home Economics |
Varner, Will |
New Testament & Greek |
To Preach or Not to Preach?: A Biblical Study of Women in the Church. M.A. Sacred Theology, Biblical School of Theology, 1976. [262.1082 V431t, 1976]. |
The Temple School of Theology and Protestant Theological Education in America, 1894-1969. EdD, Temple University, 1995. |
Wong, Daniel |
New Testament; Pastor Chinese Church |
M.Div., Th.M., Talbot School of Theology |
Ph.D. Dallas Theological Seminary |
Wright, Nate |
Physical Education |
The Effects of Skill-Simulated Isokinetic Training on the Accuracy and Velocity of the Instep Drive Kick. MA. Physical Education, 1979 |