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Access Library Resources: Download EBSCO eBooks

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EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO’s Download service allows you to “check out” an eBook for a maximum of 3  days. EBSCO eBooks can be downloaded to your personal computer with either Adobe Digital Editions or EPUB where you will be able to access it anytime, anywhere even without an internet connection. After the check out period is over, you will no longer have access to the eBook. Instead, you will be prompted to delete it from your computer.  Although you no longer have access, it will reside on your hard drive until you delete it.

Although it is not necessary to return EBSCO eBooks, you may choose to return them before the check-out period has expired. This will allow others to have access to it.  See "Return EBSCO eBooks" below for details.

Please note:  The Powell Library has purchased permission for only one or maybe two simultaneous user(s). This means, as soon as the one (or the two) have downloaded the eBook, no one else will be able to access it at all – not even the PDF, until a “check-out” period has run its course or the user "returns" the eBook. Alternatively, simply viewing the pdf online, without downloading it, only restricts access for the time you are viewing the eBook. This leaves the eBook available to others when you are not viewing it.

Last updated April 2024.

Downloading EBSCO eBooks

Click the following link to view a tutorial demonstrating the download functionality for EBSCO eBooks:  Downloading EBSCO eBooks Tutorial

Note: In order to download eBooks, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. It is recommended you have the most recent version of Digital Editions installed. This is a free download available at

Or follow these instructions:  To check out an EBSCO eBook you must first create your own account with EBSCOhost.  To create an account, click the Sign In link at the top of the EBSCOhost tool bar.

Then, click Create a new Account to provide your information. 

Once you have created your account, click the "Download" link from the result list to begin downloading the ebook to your computer.  

NOTE: Users may checkout a maximum of 10 eBooks simultaneously.

Select a download duration from the drop down menu (1 to 7 days)

Select whether you would like to download the PDF or EPUB format of the book

Confirm that you have Adobe Digital editions or equivalent and select Download. 

If you are using Chrome, set the Default Apps for .acsm files to open automatically in Adobe Digital Editions.  See link to "Chrome Users" below for instructions.

Alternatively, open Adobe Digital Editions and drag and drop the downloaded eBook to your library. 


Last updated August, 2019.

Place a HOLD on EBSCO eBooks

When an eBook is checked out, you may place a HOLD on it.  This will put you in the que so that you may access it when it becomes available,  Here's how:

1.  If the eBook you have selected to download is checked out, you will receive a message indicating the item is already in use (See Figure 1).  To activate a "Hold", you will need to Sign in to your EBSCO account.  If you have not already created your own EBSCOhost account, see Downloading EBSCO eBooks for instructions.

.​     Figure 1 

2.  After you have signed in, you will receive another message indicating the eBook is in use.  Simply select the Place Hold button (See Figure 2).  You will be notified when you are able to access the eBook.

   Figure 2


Last updated August, 2019.

Remove EBSCO eBooks

It is not necessary to return EBSCO eBooks that have been checked-out because, at the end of the check-out period, access to the downloaded eBook on your computer will be blocked. 

However, although you can no longer access the eBook, you will need to delete it from your computer.

To delete the ebook, go to your Adobe Digital Editions library, right click on the item, and select "Remove from library"


Last updated August, 2019.

Return EBSCO eBooks

Although it is not necessary to return EBSCO eBooks that have been checked-out, you may choose to return an eBook before the check-out period has expired.  This will allow others to have access to it a bit sooner.

NOTE: Be sure to delete the eBook from your computer.  See the box below "Remove EBSCO eBooks" for instructions.

To return an eBook before the check out period has expired:

  1. Open Adobe Digital Editions on your computer.

  2. On the Bookshelf screen of Adobe Digital Editions, right-click in the box with the eBook you would like to Return and select Return Borrowed Item. See Image 1 below.

  3. Click the Return button to indicate you would like to return the eBook. See Image 2 below.

  4. Click the Return button to confirm you would like to return the eBook. See Image 3 below.

  5. The eBook is checked in and removed from your Bookshelves view screen and is available to other patrons

Note: Audiobooks cannot be checked in before the end of the check-out period at this time. Audiobook files can be transferred to various devices throughout the duration of the check-out period, and there is no way to ensure that the file is removed from these devices before the check-out period ends.

Image 1: Right click on book; select Item Info

Image 2: Select Return

Image 3: Select Return to confirm


Last updated August, 2019.