Includes Central & South America; Central, South & Southeast Asia; Western Europe; Easter Europe; Middle East & North Africa; Eastern & Southern Africa; Western & Central Africa; North America & The Caribbean; and East Asia & The Pacific.
Analyze important global issues and events through Topic Overviews, International Viewpoints, Academic Journals, Primary Sources, Reference Sources, Biographies, Infographics, Images, Videos, Audio, News, Magazines, Statistics, Websites, and Related Topics..
Israel & Palestine features important information on the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine throughout world history. This content will provide a deeper understanding of the political, economic, and social impacts of this conflict from an historical perspective.
Includes information on COVID-19, General Information About Pandemics, pandemics of the Late Middle Ages, Seventeenth, Eighteenth , Nineteenth, Twentieth and the Twenty-First Centuries.
Includes People & Culture, Wars & Conflicts, Former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Treaties and Alliances.
GDELT monitors the world's broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every country.