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Global Studies Research: Customs & Cultures Search Techniques

Research tools and search techniques for customs, cultures, people groups and countries from around the world.

Ethnic Studies Books

Search Query Formulas


From the Powell Library Web site:

Option 1:  A very broad keyword search ("keyword" searches all the metadata, i.e. author, title, publisher, summary/abstract, table of contents, subjects, and genre). Keyword is the default search -- the metadata field code (kw:) is not required unless combining it with another field (Boolean search); most commonly a subject.

united states ethn* -- This tells the Discovery search engine to look for records containing the terms "united" AND "states" and because of the use of the * (asterisk), Discovery knows to look for the root word "ethn" and any variation thereafter, so it will look for ethnic, ethnicity, ethnograph, ethnography, ethnographic, ethnographies. Go ahead, try it here . . .

Search Powell Library Discovery Catalog


Option 2:  A focused metadata search -- in this instance the search is limited to the Subject field. The metadata code used in Discovery is su:

su:united states ethn* -- This will limit the search to those records containing these key terms somewhere in the Subjects. Try it here . . .

Search Powell Library Discovery Catalog


Option 3: A very focused metadata search --  in this instance the search is limited to the Title field. The metadata code used in Discovery is ti:

ti:united states ethn* -- Here the search is limited to those records containing these key terms somewhere in the Title. Try it here . . .

Search Powell Library Discovery Catalog


Option 4: Another very focused metadata search -- in this instance the search is limited to the Author field. The metadata code use in Discovery is guessed it ... au:

au:gregg frazer -- Here the search is limited to those records containing these key terms belonging to an Author. Try it here ...

Search Powell Library Discovery Catalog



Last updated December 2024.

Related Research Guides

Subjects to search for Customs & Cultures of Countries & People Groups

Use the search query formulas described in the fist column to search for specific countries, cultures, ethnicities, and people groups, etc.

To get information on the customs of a country or people group, simply use "customs" as a subject heading.  Add the name of the people group and/or the name of the country or region. For example:

su:native americans customs

For information on the culture of a country or people group, use "ethnology" as either a subject or a keyword. Add the name of the people group and/or the name of the country or region. For example:

su:uganda ethnology
buganda ethnology

Every search can be further focused by using the Filters in the column on the left of the results list. For example:

1. Use Resource Format to filter the results to just Books, or just eBooks.
2. Use Year of Publication for materials published during specified date range.
3. Use Filter by Language to your preferred language.
4. If you haven't planned ahead to permit the use or our InterLibrary Loan services, limit the Owned By Library to The Master's University so you only get results that are available from the Powell Library.

Additional Subject Search Terms:  be sure to add the the name of the people group and/or the name of the country or region to each of these Subject Terms. You can also identify a common term repeated in several Subject Headings and just use it along with your country or people group. For example: "italian americans cultur*" will include anthropology cultural, cultural assimilation, and popular culture.

su:czech americanization

Anthropology Cultural 
Cultural assimilation 
Dining <su:korea* AND kw:dining>
Economic Aspects 
Ethnic identity 
Ethnic relations
Food <su:italy AND kw:food>
Manners and Customs 
National characteristics 
Political Aspects
Popular culture
Social life and customs 
Social Science Emigration & Immigration

Last updated December 2024.

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Janet "Miss T." Tillman
Robert L. Powell Library
The Master's University
21726 Placerita Canyon. Rd.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321