Anchor Bible Commentaries draws from the wisdom and resources of Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from around the world. Includes a book-by-book translation and exegesis of the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Apocrypha.
Anchor Bible Dictionary includes articles on pseudepigraphic and apocryphal texts, Nag Hammadi tractates, and individual Dead Sea Scrolls, including the most recently published sectarian Dead Sea Scrolls as well as articles illustrating the literary artistry of the biblical text.
Index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion..
Find religious audio books hand selected by John Stone, Powell Library Director.
Includes Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR) and it's predecessor Biblical Review (BR) as well as Archaeology Odyssey (AO) and several symposia at the Smithsonian Institution: Aspects of Monotheism: How God Is One, 1996.; Feminist Approaches to the Bible, 1994; The Search for Jesus: Modern Scholarship Looks at the Gospels, 1993 and The Rise of Ancient Israel, 1991.
Provides indexing to Evangelical Journals.
Provides an exhaustive and organized overview of Jewish life and knowledge.
EBR offers a comprehensive and in-depth rendering of the current state of knowledge on the origins and development of the Bible in its different canonic forms in Judaism and Christianity. At the same time, EBR also documents the history of the Bible's reception in the Christian churches and the Jewish Diaspora; in Islam, in other religious traditions and current religious movements, Western and non-Western alike, as well as in literature, art, music, and film.
This collection is a curated selection of 59 titles from throughout the series' history, including both long-unavailable titles and newly-published research.
An interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin literature.
A scholarly supplement to the New Catholic Encyclopedia that focuses on the pontificate of John Paul II and includes thematic essays presenting the man and his work. Headings include: The Papacy of John Paul II; Church Documents; People and Places; Institutions and Events, Saints and Blessed.
Research and bibliographic aid for scholars, librarians, clergy and students of the New Testament and its historical milieu.
Topics covered include antiquities, archaeology, biblical theology, philology and much more.
International religion and spirituality - journal articles..
Search TREN for over 10,000 theological thesis/dissertation titles representing research from as many as 139 different institutions. Authorized users from TMUS may download edocs for free.
The best way to search TREN is with a single term or phrase. To search a phrase you will need to select “more search options” from the home page and then select “exact phrase” from “Search For Theses/Dissertations” (do not put quotation marks around the phrase).
I. Browse the shelves in 220.7 for commentary sets on the whole Bible; 221.7 for commentary sets on the Old Testament; 225.7 for commentary sets on the New Testament.
II. Use annotated bibliographies of commentaries to help select appropriate commentaries for your needs. The following bibliographies (hardcopies) have been marked to indicate those titles that the Powell Library has.
Whole Bible: Rosscup, James. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: an annotated bibliography of selected works. Woodlands, TX: Kress Christian Publications, 2004. [220.7016 R734c]. ISBN 9780977226238.
Old Testament: Tremper Longman III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013. [221.7016 L863o]. ISBN: 9780801039911.
New Testament: Carson, D. A. New Testament Commentary Survey. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013. [225.7016 C239n]. ISBN: 9780801039904 Rotten Tomatoes for Biblical Studies. Reviews and ratings of Bible commentaries collected from journals, books, professors and published lists like Longman & Carson.
III. Use the Powell Library Catalog to easily find all the commentaries and criticisms held by the library either as print hardcopy books or online ebooks. ONLINE STUDENTS: Feel free to make use of the Powell Library's Book Scanning Service.
A. Search the Subject field <su:> with the book of the bible and the word "commentaries" or the word "criticism". Like this:
*NOTE: “commentaries” must be plural; “criticism” must be singular.
GOSPELS (not John): Here's how to get records for the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke and at the same time eliminate those records with subject headings that include a person’s name, i.e. Matthew Arnold, Mark Twain, Luke Short. See "JOHN" below for setting up search queries for the Gospel of John viz a viz the Epistles of John.
**NOTE: There must be a space between the "n" and the "t"; or if you prefer you can use periods instead of spaces, i.e., n.t.
JOHN--Gospel: To find commentaries or criticisms on the Gospel of John without getting all the commentaries on the Epistles of John, use the Boolean NOT command:
For example:
SAME NAME: Books of the Bible with the same name (including the Epistles of John) use the name of the book along with the Arabic numeral 1st, 2nd or 3rd within quotation marks.
OR is a Boolean operator commanding the search engine to look for either the word "commentaries" or the word "criticism".
AND is a Boolean operator commanding the search engine to look for both or all of the search terms. For more details see the Boolean Logic Research Guide.
NOT is a Boolean operator commanding the search engine to leave out the search term; do not include records with the associated search term.
Last updated May 1, 2023.
Reviews and ratings of Bible commentaries collected from journals, books, professors and published lists.
The Short Version:
There are two separate and distinct authenticating credentials associated with using the Robert L. Powell Library.
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