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B201 New Testament Studies Research: Gospels & Acts

Suggested Resources and Search Queries to find information on issues, controversies, questions and background of the New Testament

Gospel & Acts Research Strategies

Here you will find resources and suggested search queries to find information on issues, controversies, questions and background of the Gospels and Acts, 

Search Tips

  1. Add "bibl*" to any topic to retrieve a Biblical view of that topic:  su:homosexuality bibl*  [The asterisk (*)  commands the search engine to look for the root word (bibl) and every variation thereafter (bible, biblical, biblically, bibliography)
  2. Add "christianity" to any topic to retrieve a Christian view of the topic:  su:homosexuality christianity 
  3. For overviews of new testament books search su:new testament introductions
  4. For specific chapters in a book of the bible use Roman numerals, search in the Subject field and put quotation marks around the book and the number(s): su:"romans vii"; su:"corinthians 1st"
  5. Use Arabic numerals for verses: su:"matthew vii 15-20"; su:"mark ix 2-8"
  6. For articles search ATLARelgion with Serials and Christian Periodical Index [Go to Find Databases on the Library Web site]

Find Commentaries Criticisms

I.   Browse the shelves in 220.7 for commentary sets on the whole Bible; 221.7 for commentary sets on the Old Testament; 225.7 for commentary sets on the New Testament.

II. Use annotated bibliographies of commentaries to help select appropriate commentaries for your needs.  The following bibliographies (hardcopies) have been marked to indicate those titles that the Powell Library has.

Whole Bible: Rosscup, James. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: an annotated bibliography of selected works. Woodlands, TX: Kress Christian Publications, 2004. [220.7016 R734c]. ISBN 9780977226238.

Old Testament: Tremper Longman III. Old Testament Commentary Survey. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013. [221.7016 L863o]. ISBN: 9780801039911.

New Testament: Carson, D. A. New Testament Commentary Survey. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2013. [225.7016 C239n]. ISBN: 9780801039904 Rotten Tomatoes for Biblical Studies. Reviews and ratings of Bible commentaries collected from journals, books, professors and published lists like Longman & Carson.

III.   Use the Powell Library Catalog to easily find all the commentaries and criticisms held by the library either as print hardcopy books or online ebooks. ONLINE STUDENTS: Feel free to make use of the Powell Library's Book Scanning Service.

   A.  Search the Subject field <su:> with the book of the bible and the word "commentaries" or the word "criticism".  Like this:

  • su:[book of the bible] commentaries *


  • su:[book of the bible] criticism *


*NOTE: “commentaries” must be plural; “criticism” must be singular.

GOSPELS (not John):  Here's how to get records for the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke and at the same time eliminate those records with subject headings that include a person’s name, i.e. Matthew Arnold, Mark Twain, Luke Short.  See "JOHN" below for setting up search queries for the Gospel of John viz a viz the Epistles of John.

  1. Add <bible n t> to the subject search query**
  2. Like this:  su:bible n t matthew commentaries 


**NOTE: There must be a space between the "n" and the "t"; or if you prefer you can use periods instead of spaces, i.e., n.t.


JOHN--Gospel:  To find commentaries or criticisms on the Gospel of John without getting all the commentaries on the Epistles of John, use the Boolean NOT command:

  • su:bible n.t. john criticism NOT epistles


  • su:bible n.t. john commentaries NOT epistles

For example:  

SAME NAME:  Books of the Bible with the same name (including the Epistles of John) use the name of the book along with the Arabic numeral 1st, 2nd or 3rd within quotation marks.

  • su:"chronicles 2nd" criticism 
  • su:bible n.t. "john 3rd" commentaries
  • su:"thessalonians 1st" commentaries​


  • For specific chapters in a book of the bible use Roman numerals, 
  • Use Arabic numerals for verses
  • Put quotation marks around the book and the number(s):
  • Search in the Subject field
    • su:"romans vii"
    • su:"matthew vii 15-20"
    • su:"galatians vi 16"


OR is a Boolean operator commanding the search engine to look for either the word "commentaries" or the word "criticism".

AND is a Boolean operator commanding the search engine to look for both or all of the search terms.  For more details see the Boolean Logic Research Guide.

NOT is a Boolean operator commanding the search engine to leave out the search term; do not include records with the associated search term.


Last updated May 1, 2023.

Background of the Gospels

I. Search the Discovery Catalog with these search queries:

  • su:synoptic problem
  • su:bible gospels criticism
  • su:bible gospels commentaries
  • nu:226
  • nu:226.1

II. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using this keyword phrase: "synoptic problem"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

III. Also use the resources listed below:

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Search the Discovery Catalog with these search queries:

  • su:synoptic gospels
  • su:bible gospels
  • su:bible gospels criticism
  • su:bible gospels commentaries
  • nu:226
  • nu:226.1

II. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using this keyword phrase: "synoptic gospels"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

III. Also use the resources listed below:

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Search the Discovery Catalog with these search queries:

  • su:q hypothesis
  • su:document q
  • nu:226 AND kw:q

II. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using these keyword phrases: "q hypothesis"; "document q"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

III. Also use the resources listed below:

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Search the Discovery Catalog with these search queries:

  • "second temple"
  • "herod's temple"
  • su:temple of jerusalem
  • su:history of biblical events
  • su:judaism post-exilic period

II. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using these keyword phrases: "second temple"; "herod's temple"; "temple of jerusalem"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

III. Also use the resources listed below:

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Search the Discovery Catalog with these search queries:

  • su:judaism encyclopedias
  • su:fasts and feasts judaism
  • su:fasts feasts bible typology
  • nu:296.43
  • nu:220.641

II. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using these keywords: fasts feasts judaism; fasts feasts bible typology

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

III. Also use the resources listed below:

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Search the Discovery Catalog with these search queries:

  • su:jewish sects
  • su:scribes jewish
  • su:pharisees
  • su:sadducees
  • su:essenes
  • nu:296.81
  • nu:296.814
  • nu:296.155

II. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using these keywords and phrases: "jewish sects"; "scribes jewish"; pharisees; sadducees; essenes

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

III. Also use the resources listed below:

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Search the Discovery Catalog with these search queries:

  • su:samaritans
  • su:samaritan*
  • su:good samaritan parable
  • su:bible "luke x 25-37"
  • nu:296.817
  • nu:296.81;

II. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using these keywords and phrases: samaritans; ""good samaritan"; "good samaritan parable"; "luke 10:25-37"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

III. Also use the resources listed below:

Last updated December, 2020.

Suggested Reading

Gospels & Acts

I. Recommended search queries for research on issues, controversies, questions and background of the Gospel of  Matthew.

1. For Commentaries/Criticism on the Gospel of Matthew, browse the shelves at 226.2 (see also 226 and 226.1) and/or search the catalog with these search queries:

  • su:bible matthew commentaries
  • su:bible matthew criticism
  • nu:226.2
  • nu:226
  • nu:226.1.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

2. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using keywords or phrases unique to the topic like: matthew geneology; "sermon on the mount"; "unpardonable sin"; rock matthew.

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

3. Date, Authorship, Purpose, Background:

  • su:bible matthew date
  • su:bible matthew authorship
  • su:bible matthew biography
  • bible backgrounds new testament
  • bible backgrounds matthew
  • su:bible manuals
  • su:new testament introductions
  • su:bible matthew Introductions
  • su:bible matthew AND kw:purpose

4. Character study of Matthew:

  • su:bible matthew biography

5.Jesus is the King:

  • kingship AND su:bible matthew

6. Importance of the Jewish genealogy:

  • genealogy AND su:bible matthew

7. Jesus' Humanity and Divinity in Matt. 1:1-25:

  • su:bible "matthew i"
  • su:Jesus Christ Nativity
  • su:Infancy narratives (Gospels)
  • su:bible "isaiah vii:14"

8. Interpretations and purpose of The Sermon on the Mount in chapters 5-7:

  • su=sermon on the mount
  • su:bible "matthew v-vii"

9. Meaning of the command not to judge in Matt 7:1-6 cf. judging false prophets in Matt 7:15-20:

  • judge AND su:bible matthew
  • su:bible "matthew vii:1-6"
  • su:bible "matthew vii"
  • su:bible "matthew, vII 15-20"

10. What is the unpardonable sin in Matthew 12:31-32?

  • su:unpardonable sin
  • su:bible "matthew, xii 31-32"
  • "unpardonable sin" AND su:bible matthew

11. Various views of the Parables of the Kingdom in Matt 13:1-52:

  • parables kingdom god
  • su:bible matthew xiii 1-52
  • su:kingdom of God biblical teaching
  • su:jesus christ parables

12. Who or what is the "Rock" in Matt. 16:18

  • su:bible "matthew xvi 18"
  • su:apostolic succession
  • su:peter apostle saint

13. Meaning and contemporary application of "cutting off an arm" and "plucking out an eye" in Matt. 18:8-9:

  • su:bible matthew commentaries
  • su:bible matthew criticism
  • su:bible "matthew xviii"

14. Marriage, divorce and remarriage according to Matt. 5:31-32 and 19:1-9:

  • su:bible "matthew v 31-32"
  • su:divorce biblical teaching
  • su:divorce bibl*
  • su:remarriage biblical teaching
  • su:marriage biblical teaching
  • su:bible "matthew xix"

II. See also Suggested Reading below.

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Recommended search queries for research on issues, controversies, questions and background of the Gospel of  Mark.
1.  For Commentaries/Criticism on the Gospel of Mark, browse the shelves at 226.3 and/or search the catalog with these search queries:

  • su:bible mark commentaries
  • su:bible mark criticism
  • nu:226.3.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

2. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using keywords or phrases unique to the topic like: mark authorship; transfiguration mark; naked mark

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

3. Date, Authorship, Purpose, Background:

  • su:bible mark date
  • su:bible mark authorship
  • su:bible mark biography
  • bible backgrounds new testament
  • bible backgrounds mark
  • su:bible manuals
  • su:new testament introductions
  • su:bible mark Introductions
  • su:bible mark AND kw:purpose

4. For information on Mark's portrayal of Jesus in the Gospel use these search queries: 

  • portray* gospel mark AND su:jesus christ
  • su:jesus christ AND kw:portray* gospel mark

5. Is Mark 8:27-38 the climax of the Gospel? Compare with Mark 10:43-45 

  • su:"mark viii"
  • su:"mark x"

6. Transfiguration

  • su:jesus christ transfiguration
  • su:"mark ix"
  • su:"mark ix 2-8"
  • su:"mark ix 2-13"
  • su:"matthew xvii 1-8"
  • su:"matthew xvii 1-13"
  • su:"luke ix 28-36"

7. Youth fled naked:

  • su:"mark xiv 51-52"
  • su:mark biblical costume
  • su:clothing and dress religious aspects bible

Also search ATLA Religion with this phrase:  "mark 14:51-52"

8. Views on the ending of Mark's Gospel

  • su:"mark xvi 9-20"

9. Teaching on being a follower of Jesus:

  • follow jesus
  • follow jesus AND su:bible mark
  • ti:follow* jesus AND su:bible mark
  • su:mark commentaries AND kw:follow* jesus
  • su:discipling christianity

II. See also Suggested Reading below.

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Recommended search queries for research on issues, controversies, questions and background of the book of  Luke.
1.  For Commentaries/Criticism on the Gospel of Luke, browse the shelves at 226.4 and/or search the catalog with these search queries:

  • su:bible luke commentaries
  • su:bible luke criticism
  • nu:226.4.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

2. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using keywords or phrases unique to the topic like: luke authorship; luke gentiles; "road to emmaus"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

3. Date, Authorship, Purpose, Background:

  • su:bible luke date
  • su:bible luke authorship
  • su:bible luke biography
  • bible backgrounds new testament
  • bible backgrounds luke
  • su:bible manuals
  • su:new testament introductions
  • su:bible luke Introductions
  • su:bible luke AND kw:purpose

4. Compare Luke and Acts

  •  su:bible luke acts

5. Purpose and use of Parables

  • su:parables; su:parables luke

6. Gentiles in God's Kindgom

  • su:bible luke AND kw:gentile*;  

Search also ATLA Religion with these keyword: luke gentiles

7.  Parable of the "Good Samaritan" cf. Parable of the "Lost Sheep" and the "Lost Coin"

  • su:good samaritan
  • su:"luke x 25-37"

8.  Parable of the Prodigal Son

  • su:prodical son
  • su:"luke xv 11-32"
  • su:"luke xv 1-7" NOT juvenile
  • su:lost sheep parable NOT juvenile
  • su:"luke xv 8-10"
  • su:lost coin parable
  • su:parables biblical

9.  "The kingdom of God is within you" meaning and views

  • su:"luke xvii 21"
  • su:kingdom of god luke; 

10. Two men on the road to Emmaus

  • su:"luke xxiv 1-35"
  • su:jesus appearances
  • su:"luke xxiv"
  • "road to emmaus"; 

II.  See also Suggested Reading below.

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Recommended search queries for research on issues, controversies, questions and background of the Gospel of John.
1. For Commentaries/Criticism on the Gospel of John, browse the shelves at 226.5 and/or search the catalog with these search queries:

  • su:bible john commentaries NOT epistles
  • su:bible john criticism NOT epistles
  • nu:226.5

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

2. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using keywords or phrases unique to the topic like: john authorship; jesus divinity; "new birth"; "hypostatic union"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

3. Date, Authorship, Purpose, Background:

  • su:bible john date NOT epistles
  • su:bible john authorship NOT epistles
  • su:bible john biography
  • bible backgrounds new testament
  • bible backgrounds john NOT epistles
  • su:bible manuals
  • su:new testament introductions
  • su:bible john Introductions NOT epistles
  • "gospel of john" purpose
  • su:bible john AND kw:purpose NOT epistles

4. Jesus is both divine and human:

  • su:bible john NOT epistles
  • su:jesus christ person and offices
  • su:jesus christ divinity
  • su:divine man christology
  • su:divinity of christ
  • su:humanity of jesus
  • su:jesus christ humanity
  • su:hypostatic union

5.  Significance of the New Birth

  • su:bible "john iii 1-15"
  • su:nicodemus bible character
  • su:salvation biblical teaching; 

Search also ATLA Religion with the keywords: nicodemus; "new birth"

6.Jews desire to and prevention of killing Jesus:

  • su:bible john new testament NOT epistles
  • jesus claim* god
  • su:jesus christ person and offices
  • su:jesus christ divinity

NOTE: The asterisk (*) is a search engine command to look for the root word and every variation thereafter.

7. Significance of the "signs" in John's Gospel

  • su:bible john signs NOT epistles
  • su:signs and symbols
  • su:signs and symbols john bible

8.  Jesus is the "Lamb of God"

  • su:lamb of god theology
  • su:jesus christ person and offices
  • su:bible "john i 29-36"
  • su:jesus christ name
  • su:passover

Search also ATLA Religion with the keywords: "lamb of god"

9. "I am"

  • su:jesus christ person and offices
  • su:i am biblical phrase
  • su:jesus christ name

10. Abide in Christ -- meaning

  • su:bible "john xv 1-11"
  • su:bible john abiding

11. Development of "believe" in the Gospel of John

  • su:bible john AND kw:believe
  • su:faith biblical teaching
  • bible backgrounds new testament john
  • su:new testament introductions
  • su:bible john introductions

II. See also Suggested Reading below.

Last updated December, 2020.

I. Recommended search queries for research on issues, controversies, questions and background of the Book of Acts.
1. For Commentaries/Criticism on the Book of Acts, browse the shelves at 226.6 and/or search the catalog with these search queries:

  • su:acts commentaries
  • su:acts criticis
  • nu:226.6.

NOTE: "su:" is the command code for limiting a search in the Discovery catalog to only the Subject field; "nu:" is the command code for limiting the search to only the Call Number field.

2. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using keywords or phrases unique to the topic like: acts authorship; acts pentecost; barnabas acts; "council of jerusalem"

NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases".  For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases.

3. Date, Authorship, Purpose, Background:

  • su:bible acts date
  • su:bible acts authorship
  • su:bible acts biography
  • bible backgrounds new testament
  • bible backgrounds acts
  • su:bible manuals
  • su:new testament introductions
  • su:bible Introductions
  • su:bible acts AND kw:purpose

4. Be witnesses

  • su:bible "acts i 8"
  • witnesses jerusalem judea samaria
  • su:missions biblical teaching

5. Trace Peter's ministry

  • su:bible acts peter apostle

6. "The Day of Pentecost" and its Old Testament background

  • su:christianity history early church
  • su:pentecost
  • su:pentecost "acts ii"
  • su:Bible New Testament Relation to the Old Testament AND kw:pentecost
  • su:Fasts and feasts in the Bible Typology AND kw:pentecost

Browse the shelves in 270.1; 231.3 or search the catalog with nu:270.1; nu:231.3

7. Peter's use of Joel 2:28-32

  • su:bible "acts ii 16-21"
  • su:Bible  Joel, II, 28 32 Relation to Acts 

8. Character study of Barnabas

  • su:branabas apostle saint
  • su:bible acts AND kw:barnabas

Search also ATLA Religion with the keyword: barnabas acts

9. Importance of Acts 10-11

  • su:bible  "acts X 1 XI 18"
  • su:dreams in the bible
  • su:jews dietary laws
  • su:visions in the bible

10. The ministry of Paul in Acts

  • su:bible acts commentaries
  • su:bible acts criticism
  • su:paul apostle acts

11. Council of Jerusalem: importance, issues and accomplishments

  • su:bible "acts xv"
  • su:"council of jerusalem"
  • su:christianity and culture
  • su:gentiles in the new testament

12. Acts 15:13-18 relation to Amos 9:11-12

  • su:bible "acts xv 13-18"
  • su:bible "amos ix 11-12"
  • su:bible acts xv relation to amos
  • su:bible new testament relation to the old testament

II. See also Suggested Reading below.

Last updated December, 2020.