Here you will find resources and suggested search queries to find information on the important events during the Intertestamental Period and how it impacts our understanding of the New Testament including:
--the rise of Alexander the Great and his influence on the biblical world
--the impact of the Greek empire and language on the spread of the gospel
--the major political periods (Persian, Greek, Jewish self-rule, Roman) and their impact on the biblical world
--the process and importance of the Old Testament translation into Greek (LXX, Septuagint)
--Josephus and his contribution to our understanding of the intertestamental period
Last updated June 2022.
In addition to the selected resources below, browse the shelves at: 220.95; 229; 296.09; 956.9401.
Copy and Paste the search terms/queries listed below into the Powell Library Discovery Catalog search box. Like this:
"intertestamental period"*
su:judaism post exilic period**
su:judah persian period
*Quotations marks indicate the search terms are to be treated as a phrase.
**su: commands the search engine to search for the terms in the Subject field
For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using the same search terms above but without the Subject field code "su:".
NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases". For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases
I Search the Powell Library Catalog using this search query:
su:alexander the great
II. Browse the shelves in this area: 938.07
III. For articles, search the periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using the keyword phrase: "alexander the great". Do not use the subject field code "su:".
IV. Use the resources listed below:
NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases". For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases
I. Search the Powell Library Discovery catalog with these search queries:
su:jews history 586 b.c.- 70 a.d.
su:judaism history post-exilic period
"persian period"; "greek period"; "maccabean period"; "roman period"
II. Browse the shelves in these areas: 296.09; 296.0901; 296.09014
III. For articles search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using the same search terms above but without the Subject field code "su:"
-- Also, search within the Journal for the Study of Judaism: In the Persian Hellenistic & Roman Period available through Academic Search Complete.
NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases". For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases
IV. Use the Reference resources listed below:
For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using the same search terms above but without the Subject field code "su:".
NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases". For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases
1. Search the Powell Library Discovery catalog with these search queries:
su:rome history 30 b.c. josephus
2. Browse the shelves in these areas: 920 J779; 956.9401
3. For articles, search these periodical indexing databases ATLA Religion with Serials, Christian Periodical Index and ProQuest Religion using the same search terms above but without the Subject field code "su:".
NOTE: to find the periodical indexing databases mentioned above, go to the Powel Library web site and select "Find Databases". For more information on using the A to Z Databases list, watch this short video tutorial: Find Databases
4. Use the resources listed below: