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BCH 408 History & Theology of the Puritans: Troubleshoot Access Issues

How to become an efficient and effective researcher in puritan studies.

Troubleshooting Check-list

    •  Be sure you are accessing the eResource through the TMU Powell Library web site (the Discovery catalog or Find Databases). You cannot access subscription databases through the public internet.
    •  Not all browsers work with our subscription databases. Be sure you are using either Chrome, Edge, or Firefox. Safari may or may not work. 
    • □ When off campus, you will receive an OpenAthens prompt to sign in. Be sure to select The Master's University Login and use your TMU email address and the same password you use to access Self Service and Canvas.
    • □ Clear the cache on your browser and try again. If this doesn't work, shut down your computer, wait a few minutes and reboot it. See "Clearing Your Browser Cache" above for more details.

Troubleshooting Online Errors

If you attempt to access an eBook from the Powell Library Catalog, but the link "View eBook" (Fig. 1) doesn't take you there: 

1.  Be sure you are using your TMU email address and the same password that you use to access Self Service and Canvas.

2.  If you are using the correct username/password but you still can't get access, click on the title of the book to open the full record.

3.  Scroll down to Access Online and click Report a Broken link (Fig. 2).  This will notify Miss T. that there is a problem and she can work on getting it resolved. 

4.  If the ebook is available in another database(s), select "View eBook" associated with it/them. 

     Fig. 1          Fig. 2   

Otherwise, you can try to access the eBook by going directly to the provider's database.  Here's how:

  1. Go to the brief record in the library catalog for the item you're trying to access and select the title (Fig 1).
  2. Scroll down the full record to Access Online and take note of the Database associated with the item (Fig. 2).
  3. Then scroll back up to the top of the page and using the "Resources" drop down menu (top left) select Find Databases (Fig. 3).
  4. On the A-Z Databases page use "Search for Databases" (to the right) or use the All Database Types drop down menu and select eBooks (Fig. 4).
  5. Select the link to the needed database provider and search for the desired eBook by title.
  • If you include the subtitle in your search query, delete the colon. 
  • If you can't find the ebook using the title, use the ISBN, which can be found in the the full record for the item (Fig 2). 

NOTE:  EBSCO eBook Collection and EBSCO eBooks Academic Collection are not the same.  You may need to try both.

Fig. 3.     Fig. 4  

If you need additional assistance, feel free to ask Miss T. (

  • Please be sure to include the title and author of the book. The ISBN would be helpful too, if there is one.
  • Include details of what happened when you selected "View eBook".
  • Include screenshots of the error message(s).


Last updated November 2021.

When you select the "Access Online", but you don't actually get the full text of the article:

1.  Be sure you are using your TMU credentials, not your Patron ID number.  The former consists of your TMU email address and the same password that you use to access Self Service and Canvas. The latter is used to sign in to your library patron account.

2.  If you are using the correct email address & password, but you still can't get access, select the title of the article, scroll down to "Access Online" and select Report a broken link. This will notify Miss T. that there is a problem and she can begin work on resolving it.  In the meantime ...

In the meantime, there are a couple of work-arounds that you can try to get the desired article:

Work Around #1

  1. Go back to the brief record in the Discovery catalog and copy the title of the article. Do not include a subtitle or any other information that might be in the title field. (Image 1)
  2. Go back to the Web page containing the error message, (Image 2)
  3. Replace everything in the search box with the title of the article and search. (Image 3)
  4. If found, access the article. (Image 4)

  Image 1 Capture Article Title

  Image 2: Go back to database with error message

  Image 3: Replace error text with Title of article and Search.

  Image 4:  Access the article


Work Around #2

  1. From the brief record in the Discovery catalog, take note of the Journal Title. (See Figure 1 below) -- Copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl C) 
  2. From the Resources drop down menu on the top left of the page, select Find Journals. (See Figure 2 below)
  3. Within Find Journals, insert the Journal Title (Ctrl V) in the appropriate search box and search.  (See Figure 3 below)
  4. If the library provides access to the full text of the journal (either hardcopy or eCopy), a list with Item Details will appear (See Figure 4 below)
  5. Take note of the Dates of coverage from the available sources and compare to the date of the needed article.  (See Figure 5 below)
  6. Select the Journal Title -- NOT the database -- of a suitable source. (See Figure 4 below)
  7. This will take you to the publication information of the Journal within the Database. (See Figure 5 below)
  8. Using either "Search within this publication" or the "All Issues"  option, search for the desired article.

Figure 1 Copy the Journal Title to the clipboard (Ctrl C)

Figure 2 Select "Find Journals" from Resources drop down menu

Figure 3  Paste (Ctrl V) the journal title in the search box.

Figure 4  If the journal is available, it will be listed. 

Figure 5  Compare the Dates of coverage with the article date. Select the Journal Title -- NOT the database

Figure 6  Search within the publication or use "All issues" to find the needed article.

Contact Miss T. if you need additional assistance:  Include screen shots along with the description of the problem.


Last updated November 2021..

When you get "No results were found" from EBSCO.  Like this:

 Select Publications from the top level banner (red arrow)

Search for the Journal containing the article 

Select the Journal  

Search within the publication or search by Issue to find the desired article  


  1. Go back to the Discovery results list (library catalog), from the brief record select the title of the article, scroll down the full record to "Access Online" and select Report a broken link.(See Figure 1 below)
  2. Then take note of the Journal Title;  -- Copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl C). (See Figure 1 below)
  3. From the Resources drop down menu on the top left of the page, select Find Journals. (See Figure 2 below)
  4. Within Find Journals, insert the Journal Title (Ctrl V) in the appropriate search box and search.  (See Figure 3 below)
  5. If the library provides access to the journal (either hardcopy or eCopy), a list with Item Details will appear (See Figure 4 below)
  6. Take note of the Dates of coverage from the available sources and compare to the date of the needed article. (See Figure 5 below)
    1. If the date of the needed article is not covered in any of the databases listed, submit an Interlibrary Loan Request.
  7. Select the Journal Title -- NOT the database -- of a suitable source. (See Figure 5 below)
  8. This will take you to the publication information of the Journal within the Database. (See Figure 6 below)
  9. Using either "Search within this publication" or the "All Issues"  option, search for the desired article. (See Figure 6 below)


Figure 1   Report Broken Link.


Figure 2  Use "Resources" to Find Journal.

Figure 3  Paste the journal title in the search box.

Figure 4 If the full text is available, the journal will be listed with item details.

Figure 5 Take note of the dates of coverage; select the journal title for the desired database.

Figure 6Search within the publication or search by date, volume & issue.

Contact Miss T. if you need additional assistance:  Include screen shots along with the description of the problem.


Last updated November 2021.

1.  Your Patron Account has expired -- no worries

  • Contact the Circulation Desk; 661.362.2278
  • Provide your name and System ID number (aka People ID number)
  • Your expiration date will be extended another year

2.  Your People ID number doesn't work

  • DO NOT include the "P", or the dashes, and be sure to use all nine numerals.
  • Have you filled out a Patron Registration Form?
    • If not, do so and send it to Miss T. ( 
  • Are you trying to access the library's online resources, i.e., ebooks, articles, databases? You need to use your TMU credentials (not your People ID number). Use your TMU email address and the same password you use to access Canvas & Self Service). Go to "Access Electronic Resources" and "My Account" to learn the differences.

Last updated May 2024.

Work smarter not harder. Ask Miss T

Profile Photo
Janet "Miss T." Tillman
Robert L. Powell Library
The Master's University
21726 Placerita Canyon. Rd.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321