The Short Version:
There are two separate and distinct authenticating credentials associated with using the Robert L. Powell Library.
For more details select the PDF link above.
Powell Library Instructional Videos:
Introduction to the Robert L. Powell Library (4:16)
A brief video introducing the Powell Library Web site.
Sign into your Library Patron Account (3:43)
Create your own password to access your Library Patron Account, My Personal Lists and My Saved Searches.
Introduction to Discovery: Cite, Save, Share (3:48)
Learn how to use the cite, link, email and save features of the Discovery catalog.
Introduction to Discovery: Course Reserves, Resources, Chat (3:54)
An overview of the Course Reserves, Resources links and Chat with a Librarian features of the Discovery Catalog.
Introduction to Discovery: Simple Search (6:32)
Learn how to conduct a Simple Search in the Discovery Catalog.
Introduction to Discovery: Advanced Search (4:31)
Easily set up advanced search queries.
Find Databases (2:54)
Find all of the databases licensed to The Master's University Robert L. Powell Library.
Find Journals (3:05)
Discover what journals the library subscribes to, either physical or electronic.
Basic Research Skills (4:55)
Learn basic research skills using the Discovery Catalog.
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) (2:26)
Learn how to find and use Library of Congress Subject Headings for a more efficient and effective search.
InterLibrary Loan (6:36)
Acquire books and articles when the Powell Library does not have what you want.
Seven Steps to Successful Research (8:50)
Follow these steps and become and efficient and effective researcher.
Total minutes viewing time: 55:30.
Last updated November 2023.
Go to the TMU Library Web site: Alternatively, go to, select the search icon (top right) then select "Current Students" or "Faculty & Staff", then select 'Library'.
Use distinctive key terms or core phrases in the "Search" box and Enter.
For example use <sovereignty god>; not <the sovereignty of god> or use <"sovereignty of god">; not <"the sovereignty of god">. The quotation marks tell the search engine to treat the terms as a phrase. Try it now:
Powell Library Discovery Catalog
Optionally, consider using these index codes to focus your search:
ti: to search just the Title field
au: to search just the Author field
su: to search just the Subject field
In addition to the Basic Search is the Advanced Search option. Select the "search" icon on the basic search line, then select "Advanced Search" from the banner at the top (left)
The Advanced Search page provides options for selecting additional index fields, Boolean operations and refining options, all of which can be used to set up a focused search query.
Once the results page has been acquired, the search query can be manipulated with the main "Search" bar at the top center of the results page.
Last updated January 2023.
To access the eResources the library provides, select the blue "View eBook" or "Access Online" button associated with the desired item.
When off campus, you will be prompted for your Master's University Login credentials. These are the same ones you use to access Self Service and Canvas.
Problems accessing eResources?
If for any reason you are unable to access the online resource, take these three steps:
First, be sure you are using your TMU credentials [TMU email address and password used to access Canvas & Self Service].
Second, if you are still unable to access the online resources, contact Miss T. right away <>. Please include a detailed description of the steps you took, the item(s) you are trying to access, as well as screen shots of the process, especially the error message.
Third, while you're waiting for Miss T. to get back to you, you can try using the "Troubleshooting Access Issues" to find a possible resolution to the problem. This guide can also be found on the library web site, under Research Guides --> Help with Research.
Last updated September 2024.
If the item indicates it is "At other libraries worldwide" (Fig. 1), select the title of the desired item, then select "Request Item through Interlibrary Loan" (Fig 2).
Fig 1 .
Fig 2 .
If you get an "Authentication Required" message (Fig 3), you will need to Sign in to your Library Patron Account.
Fig 3
The Powell Library provides ILL for whole books and articles to the local TMU Community. The TMS Community must use the TMS Library for Interlibrary Loan requests. TMU Online, distance students and all others may use their local public libraries to request books via InterLibrary Loan.
Alternatively, selected chapters/sections of books may be scanned and emailed to anyone making a request through the "Book Scanning Service".
For more details concerning ILL go to the InterLibrary Loan Research Guide.
Last updated April 2022.
Last updated August 2022.