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*The Robert L. Powell Library*: Library Services & Policies

Discover who we are and what we can do for you at The Master's University, Robert L. Powell Library.

Library Services

One TV/DVD player is available for use in the library.

Three data projectors, two digital multimedia portable video players, and one external USB DVDRW drive are available for check out.**

**In keeping with copyright law (Title 17 of the United States Code), audio/video equipment used on campus may only be used for that which is directly related to current academic courses or departmental work related matters.  A/V equipment may not be used for recreational or entertainment viewing of copyrighted materials anywhere on campus without a license or written permission from the copyright owner. A copy of said license or permission must be filed with the Institutional Copyright Specialist prior to check-out.

Last updated November 2023.

During library operating hours, returned items may be placed on the Circulation Desk.

An external book return is available 24/7. It is located just outside the main entrance of the library to the left near the water fountain. Items placed in the outside book return when the library is closed will be counted as having been returned the day the library was last open.

 It is OK to place audio-visual materials in the outside book return.

Last updated November 2023.

Account holders of the Robert L. Powell Library may utilize our Book Pick-Up Service.  Requested books may be picked up from the Circulation Desk during open hours.  Library Hours are posted on the library website.

To request books for pick-up, please use the Book Pick-Up Service Request Form above. Email the completed form to  Please allow two business days for requests to be filled. We will text you when the books are ready for you to pick up.

Use the library Discovery catalog (  to obtain the needed information (see image below).  

For assistance finding resources contact Miss T., Reference Librarian:

Image of Library Discovery catalog record:

Last updated February 2022.

The book sale shelf is open for business during regular library hours. Prices are posted.  Special sales are planned periodically throughout the course of the school year. Dates and times will be posted. Bibles are free.

The Copyright Law Fair Use exemption permits scanning of portions of books for scholarship, research, criticism, comment, parody and transformative use. Therefore,

a. --Selected chapters/sections from hardcopy books can be scanned and delivered electronically upon request. 

b. --Please only request materials where a print copy is available from the Powell library.

c. --Please limit your request to only those portions that are needed for your research needs.

d. --Use thieBook Scanning Request Form above to place your order. 

Bibliographic Information needed to request selected chapters or pages can be found in the Discovery Catalog record.  See image below.

Last updated November 2023.

A bulletin Board is available in the printing & scanning area of the library. Only TMU related events are permitted on the bulletin board. Posters or notices for any non-TMU related events placed on the bulletin board will be removed. Posters or notices of any kind placed anywhere else in the library will be removed.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping the library neat and orderly.

Last updated April 2024.

Eight desktop computers and three docking stations are located on the main floor of the library in the "Collaborative Corner". 

In addition to the hardwired computers available to all patrons, the library is fitted with wireless connection to the MasterNet network.  Wireless access cannot be provided to everyone due to licensing, security and administrative restrictions.  Currently enrolled TMU students, faculty and staff may access the TMU network.  All others may use the TMU Guest network for a period of three hours.

Last updated November, 2021

CDL Request Form

Borrow a digital form of a physical book held by the Powell Library for your personal research, scholarship, commentary, criticism, teaching, or transformative use. Access is permitted for a limited period of time and downloading, printing, copying, sharing or otherwise duplicating or redistributing are prohibited.

Last update April 2024.


For those students currently enrolled in the TMU Online Program (OLP)or the MABC SIP Program AND who reside within the contiguous United States, the Robert L Powell Library has instituted a Direct to Student Delivery Service.

Upon request, the library will send books directly to the OLP/SIP student at the library’s expense. The student is then responsible for returning the book(s) to the library on or before their respective due dates. A postage paid return label will be enclosed with the books. Books not returned to the library by their due date will incur overdue fines, so be sure to account for shipping time when returning them. One renewal per book is permitted. Watch “Sign in to your Library Patron Account” for instructions on renewing checked out books online.

1) This service is only available for those books already Held by the Master's University.

2) This service is only available to those OLP/SIP students who live within the contiguous U.S. and outside of reasonable driving distance from the Santa Clarita Valley.

3) Please allow 4-5 business days for requests to be filled.

4) Books will be checked out to the patron for a period of 8 (eight) weeks allowing for postal delivery to and from the requestor. 

5) Please use the included postage paid return label and the original packaging to return the books. It is recommended the return package be mailed 7 to 10 business days before the due date to allow it to reach the library before the book(s) become(s) overdue. 

6) Overdue fines will be accrued.

7) Any books not returned to the Powell Library will incur a “lost materials fee” (minimum of $60 per item plus a $10 processing fee).  See Borrowing Privileges: Fines & Fees for details.

Please fill out this DIRECT TO STUDENT REQUEST FORM as completely as possible. Use the library Discovery catalog to ensure the Powell Library has the book needed and to capture all required fields.

Bibliographic Information need to request a book or chapters can be found in the Discovery Catalog record: See images below:


Last updated November 2023.


The Robert L. Powell Library is pleased to provide Group Study Rooms to TMU students, faculty and staff. Group Study Rooms are intended for student collaborative study, small group projects, small group instruction and small group meetings.


  • Individual study is permitted in a group study room; however, individuals may not reserve a study room.
  • Individuals occupying a study room that has been reserved must vacate the room five minutes prior to the start time of the scheduled reservation.
  • Posters, notes, and  other items may not be hung on walls or windows. Windows are not to be covered or obstructed.
  • Lights must remain on at all times.
  • Please make sure that you clean up after yourself and wipe down the table before leaving.
  • Wipe down the whiteboard before you leave.


  • Reservations are permitted by students solely for the purposes of course related collaborative study or course related group projects.
  • Groups using these study rooms may not use copyrighted materials for entertainment purposes. Films, music, images, etc. may only be used if directly related to course assignments or for research, criticism and other scholarly endeavors. The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the use of copyrighted materials. The persons using copyrighted multimedia must maintain compliance. <>
  • No more than two hours may be booked per group per day and may only be reserved for the hours the library is open. Library hours are posted on the library web site:
  • Study rooms may only be reserved for groups of 3-8 people. Maximum occupancy limits must be adhered to.
  • The person who reserved the room must remain in the room with their group during the time of use.
  • NO SHOW POLICY: Group reservations may be cancelled by library staff if rooms are not occupied within 10 minutes of the reserved time.
  • Reservations must be deleted if the room is no longer needed.
  • The library staff reserves the right to cancel reservations: made for reasons other than those described in this policy, made for non-TMU users or made for anyone not permitted to use the rooms.
  • The Group Study Room Policy Agreement must be signed before a reservation can be made.

The Powell Library is not responsible for the security of personal items. Any items left in the rooms may be removed by library staff and placed in the library’s Lost & Found at the Circulation Desk.

Failure to comply with established policies may result in suspension of group study room privileges and/or other library privileges.


Last updated December 2021.

New Book Shelf

Hardcopy books new to the library are on the display book case in the Main Stacks room on the first floor. These materials will remain on the display shelves for about two weeks or until someone checks them out, whichever comes first.

A gallery of eBooks new to the library are displayed on the library web site at the bottom of the main page.  Each thumbnail cover displayed is linked to the ebook it represents.


Last updated September 2021.

Placing a "hold" on a checked out item allows patrons to put themselves on a waiting list for the item as soon as it is returned.  A hold can only be placed on an item that is already checked out.  When the item has been returned the patron who has placed the hold will be notified.  The patron then has one week to pick up the item at the circulation desk before it is reshelved.  Items with a hold placed on them cannot be renewed.

Before you can place a hold, you will need to "Sign in" to your library account. If you need help Signing in, watch this short video tutorial: Sign in to your Library Patron Account

To place a hold, select the item title, then select View All Availability, then select Place Hold. Fill in Submit a Place Hold Request.


Last updated September 2021.

This applies to currently enrolled students, faculty and staff of TMU and the reciprocating institution.  Reciprocal arrangements do not apply to any other TMU library cardholders.  

The individual borrower is subject to the rules and regulations established by the lending library, including, but not limited to, those rules that govern access to and the availability of library materials, loan periods, renewals, recall, and delinquency and lost materials charges. TMU patrons are expected to make themselves aware of the policies and regulations of each library used. The borrower is expected to protect materials and return them directly to the lending library by the due date.  Charges for late, lost or damaged materials are the responsibility of the borrower.  Fines, fees and replacement costs for library materials will be determined by the lending libraries in accordance with their existing policies.

The Master's Seminary and The Master's University Libraries have a reciprocal agreement, which makes the collective resources available to both student bodies and faculty. TMU/TMS patrons needing resources from the university/seminary may obtain them from the respective library's circulation departments, filling out a patron registration form and presenting his/her student ID.  TMS patrons may only check out 15 items at one time.  Exceptions may be granted by either the Librarian or Circulation Manager.

Biola University and The Master's University have established mutual borrowing privileges with currently enrolled students, faculty and staff.  Both libraries will provide direct loan service to eligible and properly identified members of each other's campus community for unrestricted and available materials upon presentation of proper identification, the completion of the library card registration form and the issuance of a library card.  The library cards are subject to renewal each semester or term.

The Oviatt Library at California State University Northridge (CSUN) is available to residents, like TMU students for an annual fee of $60.00.  This service is provided through the Friends of the Library, an auxiliary support organization of CSUN library.  Students utilizing this service receive a patron card that allows normal lending privileges.  Access to the University Library databases is only available in-person as per publishers' contracts..  Coin operated temporary parking permits are available in designated lots only.

Last updated September 2021.

For answers to all your questions about using the library, stop by the Reference Desk, call the Reference Librarian (Miss T.) at (661)362-2201 or email her at

Miss T. will assist you in

  • finding scholarly resources for your paper or project
  • using the Powell Library's Discovery catalog
  • identifying and using indexes and databases 
  • locating specific resources: books, articles, theses/dissertations, etc.
  • developing an efficient and effective research strategy
  • saving time!
  • checking your bibliography for style accuracy (APA, Chicago/Turabian, CSE, or  MLA)
  • assisting with copyright questions

Miss T. is happy to work with you individually or in small groups.   She is also available for in class instruction at the request of the course instructor.

Miss T. is on duty from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday or as needed for classroom instruction.

Miss T. should also be consulted for questions regarding copyright.

Miss T. is also available for proctoring services.

Last updated September 2021.

Please DO NOT re-shelve any item used.  Instead, return all materials to a book cart or leave them on a table or in a study carrel.  The library staff will re-shelve all materials after collecting the needed usage statistics.

Scanning & Printing Services

SCANNING and PRINTING SERVICES consists of one color printer and one KIC overhead scanner. 

B&W copies are $0.05 each; color copies are $0.15 and scanning is free.  IOU's will not be accepted.  Items maybe scanned into a variety of formats (e.g. .pdf, .jpeg, .tiff, xps, ooxml) and emailed to anyone.  Files on a flash drive can be uploaded and printed.

PaperCut printing credits may be purchased in amounts of $1, $5 or $10 at the circulation desk.  For more details on student printing go to Printing on the IT Services web site.

Visitors who do not have TMUS login credentials must be logged on as a "guest" in order to print. Please see a library staff member to purchase printer credits and to log you in.

CAUTION:  When using these or any other duplicating equipment in the library, the user must recognize that the copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials.  The person using this equipment is liable for any infringement. 

If you have concerns about the legitimacy of your scanning or duplicating needs, please consult the Institutional Copyright Specialist, Janet (Miss T.) Tillman,

Last updated September 2021.

The Robert L. Powell Library is pleased to provide study carrells to Powell Library patrons. Study carrells can be found upstairs and are meant for silent, individual study. 

Please note, the library is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal items. Any food stuffs found unattended in study carrells will be discarded.

Last updated May 2023.

TMU Secure Wireless connectivity is available to the following patron groups:

  • Traditional students 
  • Degree Completion Program (DCP) students 
  • Summer Institute Program (SIP)
  • Online Program students (OP)
  • TMS students 
  • TMS faculty 

TMU Guest WiFi

The following groups of patrons may access the TMU Guest WiFi  by clicking the WiFi icon in their taskbar, Then selecting TMU-Guest from the list of networks:

  • TMU alumni 
  • TMS alumni 
  • Resident card holders 
  • Visitors 


Last updated August 2021.

Library Policies

Decorum appropriate to the mission and ministry of The Master's University must be maintained.  We are intent on making our facility conducive to collaborative learning, research and study. Collaboration and group study are welcomed on the first floor. Please use your inside voices when working together. The second floor is intended for silent individual study and research.

Also, any verbal abuse, argumentative behavior, or failure to respond to directives of a member of the library staff is treated as a very serious matter.  The staff will ask those who cause such problems to leave the facility and will call campus security as needed to enforce this directive.  All such incidents are reviewed by the University Librarian and Circulation Manager. Patrons, regardless of status, may have his/her library privileges revoked for any such violation.

Last updated August, 2021.

Cell Phone Use

Please consider your fellow students more important than yourself and TURN OFF or at least set to vibrate your cell phone.  When a call is received, please remove yourself from the library to carry on the conversation outside.

Food and beverages are permitted in all areas of the library, with the exception of library computer stations. The following stipulations must be adhered to:

  • Beverages must be in spill resistant containers,
  • All food must be kept in a sealed container when unattended.  Unsealed, unattended food will be disposed of.
  • All food trash must be disposed of promptly including utensils, napkins and leftovers,
  • Wipe down the area before you leave (wipes provided at circulation desk),
  • Leave nothing for the ants to feed on.


Last updated August, 2021.

Apparel appropriate to the mission and ministry of The Master's University must be worn at all times. Modesty and cleanliness are expected. Roller skates are prohibited.

Last updated November 2021.

Do not deface books by marking, underlining, notating, or bending pages. Avoid leaving books, audio-visual materials or other library resources in vehicles as this will result in heat damage.  The cost of replacing damaged materials is the responsibility of the patron to whom the materials have been loaned.  See Borrowing Privileges for details.

Last updated November 2021.

Due to closing procedures, please have all necessary circulation services completed 15 minutes before closing time (e.g. check out books, return reserved items, return headphones, etc.).

Last updated September 2021.

The library is not responsible for the safety or security of personal items left unattended in the library (e.g. laptops, cell phones, books, purses, sunglasses, keys, etc.).  Personal items found by the library staff will be placed in the "Lost and Found" shelf behind the circulation desk. There they will remain until claimed or the end of the semester.  The library staff is not responsible for verifying ownership of lost and found items.  Unclaimed items will be discarded at the end of each semester.

Last updated August, 2016

In addition to the main entrance, there are two emergency exits located on the first floor of the library; one on the east side of the building in the collaborative study area and one in the main stack area.  Additionally, there is an emergency exit at the rear of the second floor. Please make note of these exits as well as the location of fire extinguishers and plan your exit strategy beforehand.  Also, keep in mind that these exits are for emergency use only and an alarm will sound when they are opened.

Fire Alarms

In the event a fire alarm sounds all patrons are to proceed immediately to the nearest exit; DO NOT attempt to gather personal items.  Patrons must obey all directions of the library staff and leave the building immediately.  A speedy exit from the building is essential for personal safety and to keep the area clear for responding emergency personnel.

Last updated August, 2021

Work smarter not harder. Ask Miss T

Profile Photo
Janet "Miss T." Tillman
Robert L. Powell Library
The Master's University
21726 Placerita Canyon. Rd.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321