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BC503 Methods of Biblical Change: Hope Assignment

Finding resources that define the Biblical and Secular views of Hope

Effective Search Techniques

Introduction .       Using Boolean Operators .       Using Truncation .

Finding & Using Databases .       Refining Results .       Using Google More Effectively .

Search Strategies -- Biblical and Worldly Views of Hope

TMU Powell Library Catalog

Search TMU Powell Library Catalog


Biblical Hope Resources:

The easiest method of finding resources that discuss a biblical view of hope is to search "hope" as a subject along with the phrase "biblical teaching" in the Powell Library Catalog.  Like this:

su:hope biblical teaching

You can use the search box above or go to the Library Web site.

> The terms "biblical" or "biblical teaching" as well as the word "christianity" can be added to any topic to identify those items that present a Biblical or Christian view of that topic.  

> "su:" is the meta tag used in our Discovery catalog to focus the search within the Subject Field

>FYI, the Discovery catalog is not case sensitive.

To get the Biblical and Theological meanings of the word "hope" use:

   >Bible Dictionaries -- 220.3; search <su:bible dictionaries> (limit Format to Book)  

   >Theological Dictionaries -- 230.03; search <su:theology dictionaries> (limit Format to Book)

   >Expository Dictionaries. -- 220.3; 487.43; search<expository dictionary> (limit Format to Book)

If you are able to read Hebrew (לְקַווֹת) and/or Greek (ελπίδα), use some Lexicons. 

   >Hebrew Lexicons -- 492.43; search <hebrew lexicon>

   >Greek Lexicons -- 487.43; search <greek lexicon>

If you don't know Greek or Hebrew a Bible concordance is also a very good tool to identify the meaning of the Hebrew and Greek words as well as their related passages in the Scriptures.

   >Bible Concordances -- 220.5; 221.5 (OT); 225.5 (NT); search <bible concordance>; <bible concordance old testament>

You will also want to consult some Bible commentaries for those passages containing the word "hope":  To find commentaries on any book of the Bible, search the book of the bible, the word "commentaries", in the Subject field.  Like this:

su:genesis commentaries

For additional information on how to find commentaries use the Research Guide -- Biblical Studies Resources: Find Commentaries

TIP:  Take advantage of your time while on campus and take a picture with your phone or use the copier to scan and email the necessary pages from the resources you choose (within the limits of the Copyright Law).  Be sure to include the Title page and its verso, so that you (1) know where the scanned information came from and (2) have all the information you need for a proper citation.*   

Worldly Hope Resources:

A search for "hope" in Google will retrieve a number of definitions and standard generic dictionaries which will provide what is the common understanding of how the term is used today, in English, in the U.S.  Some of these will even provide the etymology of the word.

Wikipedia has a very informative and lengthy article discussing various aspects of "Hope" including psychology, healthcare, culture, literature, religion and even Christianity, along with an extensive Reference list.

*For additional assistance with finding sources, copyright law and/or proper citations, please contact Miss T. at <> or stop by the Reference Desk and ask her in person!

Here's "hoping" you find this beneficial! 8>D


Last updated July, 2018.



Work smarter not harder. Ask Miss T

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Janet "Miss T." Tillman
Robert L. Powell Library
The Master's University
21726 Placerita Canyon. Rd.
Santa Clarita, CA 91321

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