Copy and paste the following search queries into the Discovery search box on the Powell Library web site. Add to it a keyword for your selected counseling issue.
su:counseling christianity
su:counseling biblical
su:"pastoral counseling" (use quotation marks for phrases)
su:"pastoral care"
su:"peer counseling in the church"
"soul care"
> The use of the subject terms "christianity" and "biblical" can be added to any topic to find the Christian or Biblical view of that topic.
> To find case studies on any topic, add "case studies" to a subject search i.e., su:pastoral counseling case studies.
> The metadata code "su:" is a command instructing the Discovery search engine to look only in the Subject field of each record in the catalog.
Last updated October 2021.
To find articles, theses and dissertation related to a specific counseling issue search the Powell Library Discovery Catalog as well as these databases: ATLAReligion with Serials PLUS (ATLA), Christian Periodical Index (CPI), ProQuest Religion (PQR), ProQuest Dissertation (PQDT), TREN.
When searching the Discovery Catalog -- For Articles:
Search your topic along with the term "counseling" as keywords. Don't search your terms as Subjects (su:) as many catalog records do not associate subject headings with articles.
When you get your results list, select "Peer reviewed" from the Content Type limiting option on the left.
Alternatively, select "Articles" from the Format option. These will include articles that are not scholarly academic or peer revied.
When searching the Discovery Catalog -- For Theses & Dissertations:
Select the "Resources Format" filter, then Book, then Thesis, Dissertation.
Search these databases: ATLA, CPI, PQR, PQDT and TREN
Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to Find Databases. Alternatively, read the following instructions:
First, select "Find Databases" from the Library main page ...
or from the results page after a search in the Discovery Catalog has been performed.
Second, select the link to the needed database.
Three ways to Select the link in A-Z Databases:
While on campus, you will be taken directly to the selected database. When off campus, you will be prompted for your Master's username/password (see image below). This is the same one you use to access Canvas & Self Service.
Last updated August 2024.
1. Use Sources to Find More Sources:
2. Find an anthology related to biblical counseling like Scripture and Counseling: God's word for life in a broken world. Each chapter is written by a different author, all of whom will probably qualify as like minded biblical counseling authors, at least at the time of the printing of the book (people do have a tendency to change their views).
3. Search the Web sites of like minded organizations like the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation. Their Staff, Board of Directors, etc. may have published, and of course look at their Resources for additional authors.
4. Search Web sites of publishers of like minded resources like: New Growth Press, Day One Publications, and Shepherd Press. Be sure to check their “About” page and take a cursory look at the other resources they publish-- they may not be exclusive to a particular idea.
Last updated July 2024.