For an overview on using the library's Discovery catalog, finding databases and basic research skills, watch these short video tutorials:
Introduction to Discovery: Simple Search (6:32)
Find Databases (2:54)
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) (2:26)
Learn how to conduct a Simple Search in the Discovery Catalog. Find all the databases licensed to the Powell Library. Learn how to identify highly germane search terms.
Introduction to Discovery: Cite, Save, Share (3:48)
Basic Research Skills (4:55)
Seven Steps to Successful Research (8:50)
Learn how to use these special features of the Discovery catalog Learn basic research skills using the Discovery Catalog Become and efficient and effective researcher.
Last updated August 2024.
Counseling Issues Search Strategies
A majority of the topics needed for this course can be easily researched by simply searching them as Subjects in the Discovery Catalog on the Powell Library Web site. Use the metadata code "su:" to limit the search to just the Subject field. Like this: su:psychology.
This will retrieve numerous resources related to the topic. So much so, that it will be more effective to focus the results using the Filters to the left of the results list. Consider limiting by Resource Format, Content Type, Year of Publication, and/or Academic Discipline See Figure 1 below.
Figure 1.
More than likely, it will also be necessary to further focus the search by using additional or alternative terminology. A simple method for identifying suitable terminology is to use the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). LCSH & MeSH are extremely valuable tools that will assist you in identifying highly germane search terms. See the box LCSH & MeSH above for a more detailed explanation of these standardized, controlled vocabularies. Also, for more information on using LCSH watch the video tutorial above.
Once you've retrieved your results list, you'll want to be an even more effective researcher by "Using Sources to Find More Sources". That is, examine the full metadata (aka bibliographic) record to identify additional terminology, especially Subjects, that can be used to further your research. Watch the video tutorial "Seven Steps to Successful Research" for more details.
There will be some topics that you will have difficulty finding with a Subject field (su:) search, even if you use LCSH and/or MeSH. No worries. Try searching them as keywords instead. Watch the video tutorial "Basic Research Skills" for details. If you can't find what you need searching your topic as a subject or keyword, ask Miss T. for assistance via email or in person at the Reference desk. You could also consult the list of "Trickier To Find Counseling Issues" below.
Secular View
To find resources discussing how secular psychotherapy would approach a specific issue, simply search the issue in the Powell Library Discovery catalog either as a Keyword or as a Subject. Like this:
autism [Keyword is the default search so, although you can, it is not necessary to use the metadata field code kw:]
"demon possession" [Use quotation marks to indicate a phrase, with or without a field code]
Biblical/Christian View
Adding the terms "christianity" or a truncated form of biblical, i.e. "bibl*" to any topic will retrieve records with a Christian or Biblical view of that topic. Like this:
su:perfectionism christianity
su:suicide bibl*
Case Studies
To find case studies on any topic, add these keywords and phrases to your search query using the Boolean AND operator:
Like this:
su:irritable bowel syndrome AND kw:method*
su:alternative medicine AND kw:"case reports"
su:alternative medicine AND kw=case reports [the "=" is the metadata command to treat the terms as a "phrase". It can be used instead of quotation marks. If one phrasing command doesn't work, try the other.]
Trickier To Find Counseling Issues:
For "Beginning a Counseling Ministry in a Local Church" search <counseling ministry church>
For "Giving and Receiving Criticism" use <su:criticism personal>
For "The Fool in Proverbs" use <su:proverbs commentaries> and <su:proverbs criticism> See also "Find Commentaries" in the Biblical Studies Resources research guide for more details on how to find commentaries.
For "Lack of Assurance of Salvation" use <su:theology AND (assurance OR perseverance)> alternatively <su:assurance OR perseverance AND theology>. Both the "AND" and the "OR" must be capitalized so the search engine recognizes them as Boolean commands, not as keywords. The parentheses commands the search engine to perform the OR operation first otherwise the search engine resolves the equation from left to right.
For "Overworking oneself" decide first, which fits best: physical labor or mental labor. For the former, search <workaholism> in LCSH. For the later, search <mental fatigue> in LCSH to find appropriate terminology. Watch the video tutorial Library of Congress Subject Headings for details on what it is and how to use it.
For "TV and Effects" search <television effects>
For "Unsubmissive Wives" use <su:submissiveness biblical teaching> and <su:wives religious life>
For "Women's Role in Counseling with the Church" use <su:peer counseling in the church AND women>; <su:women in church work>; <su:role women church>
Last updated August 2024.
To find articles, theses and dissertation related to a specific counseling issue search the Powell Library Discovery Catalog as well as these databases: ATLAReligion with Serials PLUS (ATLA), Christian Periodical Index (CPI), ProQuest Religion (PQR), ProQuest Dissertation (PQDT), TREN.
When searching the Discovery Catalog -- For Articles:
Search your topic along with the term "counseling" as keywords. Don't search your terms as Subjects (su:) as many catalog records do not associate subject headings with articles.
When you get your results list, select "Peer reviewed" from the Content Type limiting option on the left.
Alternatively, select "Articles" from the Format option. These will include articles that are not scholarly academic or peer revied.
When searching the Discovery Catalog -- For Theses & Dissertations:
Select the "Resources Format" filter, then Book, then Thesis, Dissertation.
Search these databases: ATLA, CPI, PQR, PQDT and TREN
Watch this short video tutorial to learn how to Find Databases. Alternatively, read the following instructions:
First, select "Find Databases" from the Library main page ...
or from the results page after a search in the Discovery Catalog has been performed.
Second, select the link to the needed database.
Three ways to Select the link in A-Z Databases:
While on campus, you will be taken directly to the selected database. When off campus, you will be prompted for your Master's username/password (see image below). This is the same one you use to access Canvas & Self Service.
Last updated August 2024.